In Air, Land, & Sea, two players participate in a series of Battles, with the objective to control two of the three Theaters of war after both players have played all of their Battle cards, or convince your opponent to withdraw!<br/><br/>As Supreme Commander of your country's military forces, you must carefully deploy your forces across three...
Standalone -- Just play with the 3 new theaters provided: Intelligence, Diplomacy, Economics<br/><br/>Mix w/ Base Game -- Play with any combination of 3 theaters from either box: ex. Intelligence, Air, Land<br/><br/>Epic Mode -- Play with any combination of 5 theaters from either box: ex. Intelligence, Diplomacy, Economics, Land,...
In Air, Land & Sea: Critters at War, two players vie for control over each theater of war by playing cards and strategically utilizing their special abilities to win battles. Whoever gains the most victory points over several battles wins the war!<br/><br/>Gameplay is the same in this standalone game as in Air, Land & Sea, but with 100% critters...
<p>Aquatica is a deep, but easy to learn family engine builder about underwater kingdoms.<br /><br />In the game you will become one of the mighty ocean kings, struggling to bring glory to his realm. To win the game, you need to capture and buy locations, recruit new characters, and complete goals; each of these actions gives you victory points at the...
The waters of Aquatica has been prospering for centuries. With wise and noble Sea-Kings all sea creatures lived in peace and serenity.<br/>But one day everything changed...Cold waters of the North Ocean rushed into warm waters of Aquatica because of underwater volcanoes’ eruptions. Immediate and strong climate changes brought unexpected...
In Foundations of Metropolis, players will compete over three rounds to be the greatest architect in the city by purchasing deeds to empty lots and constructing new buildings on them.<br/><br/>More complex buildings require more lots, but will bring you even greater prestige. The player with the most prestige will be appointed Grand...
Unroll the true industrial market offer with this elegant playmat designed to turn each game of Furnace into an exquisite experience!<br/><br/>The box contains a large (680 × 260 mm) language-independent neoprene playmat that can be used for the Furnace board game. The board game is to be purchased separately.<br/><br/><br/> Convenient layout...
It's the most anticipated moment of any heist: time to split the loot. Of course, everybody trusts the boss to divide everything evenly, right? But will the boss be even-handed and make sure that every "made critter" gets a piece? Maybe the boss will pay off only some of them and keep the rest of it...<br/><br/>GoodCritters is a game for 4-8...
ito is a cooperative game where you and your friends will each get your own secret number you then have to try to put in order as a group based on the clues you give related to the chosen theme.<br/><br/>At the start of the game, each player gets a secret number card that can have a value between 1 and 100. Remember, it’s a SECRET, so of course...
Onitama é um jogo abstrato para 2 jogadores, com uma configuração de partida aleatória. num tabuleiro de 5x5, ambos os jogadores começam com cinco peões do seu lado, com o principal peão no meio. Cada jogador tem duas cartas abertas que mostram uma possível transferência para qualquer de as suas peças. Existe uma quinta carta que não pode ser utilizada...
The third expansion for Onitama, Light and Shadow offers a new way to explore the elegant and simple game of martial tactics by introducing a new type of pawn: the Ninja! Unlike other pawns, the Ninja moves secretly, hidden from your opponent's view until they are ready to strike...<br/><br/>There are two ways to play Light and Shadow:<br/><br/>- Way of...
Expansão para o Jogo Onitama acrescenta 16 novas cartas ao jogo, aumentando assim a sua variabilidade. É composta de cartas inéditas assim como de cartas promocionais feitas para o Kickstarter do Dice tower.</br><p><p><p><b><a href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn-default">Link BGG</a></b></p></p></p><p></p><p...
Once again, rival schools have come to Onitama to see who has the dominant Art — but something is different this time: Their activity has attracted the attention of a wind spirit! This indomitable force will interfere with the students, but it may on occasion grant an unforeseen benefit as well!<br/><br/>Onitama: Way of the Wind, an expansion for...
Description from the designer:<br/><br/>90s ; Explosion of 16 bits Video Games era in the world.<br/>Time when the greatest dream of childhood was to be The Video Game Champion!<br/><br/>In Video Game Champion, players are transported to the nostalgic setting of the early 1990s, where they step into the shoes of children balancing multiple activities...
Take on the role of the great leaders of the past to build your own Ancient City.<br/><br/>Each player will use their Gold each round to build tiles that will increase their city's economy. A city that produces more food and generates commerce brings more population. Make your city grow!<br/><br/>There are 5 types of buildings, and each of them provides...
World Wonders: Mundo Wonders Pack adds nine new wondrous monuments from the ancient world to World Wonders, along with a new gameplay mode. This mode features nine cards that add even more strategy to the scoring of new monuments, allowing for higher scores depending on the objectives.<br/><br/>The expansion also comes with cards to use the new wonders...