Explore places, combine items, and experience stories in Adventure Games, a series of co-operative games from German publisher KOSMOS. In each of these titles, players are presented with a mysterious story that they must unravel over the course of play. Working together, players explore common areas, talk to people, look for clues, and combine various items to reveal the secret of the story. Depending on what decisions the players make, the course of history changes and there is no going back!
Unlike the co-operative EXIT: The Game series, titles in this series focus on the telling and discovery of the story with no time pressure. That said, many different paths can be experienced during play, with more than one correct resolution to the story waiting to be discovered. Each title consists of three chapters, each taking about 75 minutes to play. Nothing is destroyed, so the games can be played multiple times.
In The Dungeon, the players awaken in a prison cell in the middle ages with no memory of how they got there. What happened? What strange things are taking place in this dungeon? And most importantly, how can they get out? Over three chapters, players will jointly explore rooms, combine objects, and perhaps even encounter creatures that lurk in the dark rooms of the old castle...
Explore places, combine items, and experience stories in Adventure Games, a series of co-operative games from German publisher KOSMOS. In each of these titles, players are presented with a mysterious story that they must unravel over the course of play. Working together, players explore common areas, talk to people, look for clues, and combine various...
Explore places, combine items, and experience stories in Adventure Games, a series of co-operative games from German publisher KOSMOS. In each of these titles, players are presented with a mysterious story that they must unravel over the course of play. Working together, players explore common areas, talk to people, look for clues, and combine various...
Escape Tales: The Awakening is a story driven escape room in card game form, with immersive exploration, no time limits when solving puzzles, and a collection of tough choices that will captivate and immerse you deeply. As for the story, here's the set-up:<br/><br/>Players take on the role of Sam, whose daughter has been in a coma for over two months...
Jack the Ripper & West End Adventures é uma expansão independente para Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective com gráficos atualizados e possui mais de dez casos a serem resolvidos na Era Vitoriana em Londres. Um mapa de Londres e arquivos de jornais estão incluídos nos casos. Inclui seis casos independentes do jogo "West End Adventures" redesenhados e...
Dice Throne Season One ReRolled is a remastered edition of Dice Throne: Season One with two new characters: Treant and Ninja!<br/><br/>Dice Throne is a game of intriguing dice, tactical card play, powerful heroes, and unique abilities.<br/><br/>It's a fast-paced 2-6 player combat game (1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 2v2v2, or free-for-all). Select from a variety of...
<p>Unlock! is a co-operative card game inspired by escape rooms that uses a simple system which allows you to search scenes, combine objects, and solve riddles. Play Unlock! to embark on great adventures, while seated at a table using only cards and a companion app that can provide clues, check codes, monitor time remaining, etc.<br /><br />Star Wars...
Autumn is not the best time to climb up on a scaffold in Moscow, but it is still far better than doing so in the winter. Tsar Ivan wants to see results and our team will prove to him that we are the best builders in the city. We are sure to finish off those decorative arches with the brightest shining stones and ensure our place on the list of the...
The point-and-click adventure game genre was born in 1976 on the PC. In this type of game, the player assumes the role of a character in an interactive story driven by puzzle solving and exploration. This game is a direct adaption of these mechanics to the cardboard medium that requires no electronics to play. In other words, you are holding a classic...
Crimes have taken place all over the city, and you want to figure out exactly what's happened, so you'll need to look closely at the giant city map (75 x 110 cm) to find all the hidden information and trace the trails of those who had it in for their foes.<br/><br/>MicroMacro: Crime City – Full House includes 16 cases for you to solve. Each case...
<p>The Mind is more than just a game. It's an experiment, a journey, a team experience in which you can't exchange information, yet will become one to defeat all the levels of the game.<br /><br />In more detail, the deck contains cards numbered 1-100, and during the game you try to complete 12, 10, or 8 levels of play with 2, 3, or 4 players. In a...