Existem 3110 produtos.

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Existem 3110 produtos.



0,00 € - 355,00 €






Idade Mínima

2 - 21

Em stock

Panic Lab

Panic Lab

Preço 14,95 €


Panic Lab

<p>Panic Lab é um jogo para toda a família onde se pede aos jogadores, que fazem o papel de cientistas, para conseguirem manter fora do laboratório as amibas que vão aparecendo. Nesta aventura onde podem jogar até 10 pessoas, os enganos são muitos. É preciso identificar corretamente a amiba através da sua cor, forma e padrão que é previamente definida...
14,95 €




Preço 38,95 €

Última unidade

Última unidade


You are a paperback author trying to finish novels for your editor. Complete Westerns, Science Fiction, Romance or even the rare Best-Seller. Live the dream &mdash; and maybe pay the bills.<br/><br/>Word-building meets deck-building in the unique game Paperback. Players start with a deck of letter cards and wild cards. Each hand they form words, and...
38,95 €

Última unidade em stock

Paperback Adventures (Core...

Paperback Adventures (Core Box)

Preço 29,95 €

Última unidade

Última unidade

Paperback Adventures (Core Box)

<p>Our intrepid author Paige Turner is back! In Paperback Adventures, you get to play as the protagonist in one of Paige's wild brainstorming sessions. Conquer a menagerie of pulp novel characters in this solo deckbuilding word game.<br /><br />Just like in the original game Paperback — and the follow-up game Hardback — you will build your own deck of...
29,95 €

Última unidade em stock

Paperback Adventures: Damsel

Paperback Adventures: Damsel

Preço 29,95 €

Última unidade

Última unidade

Paperback Adventures: Damsel

As the Damsel, you can have exciting Paperback Adventures alone or with a friend.<br/><br/>Paperback Adventures Character Box<br/><br/>There will be distress. And she will cause it.<br/><br/><br/> More aggressive playstyle<br/> Hex counters deal ramping poison damage<br/> Use every letter in your hand for a critical hit<br/> Sneak attack...
29,95 €

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Paperback Adventures: Ex...

Paperback Adventures: Ex Machina

Preço 29,95 €

Última unidade

Última unidade

Paperback Adventures: Ex Machina

As Ex Machina, you can have exciting Paperback Adventures alone or with a friend.<br/><br/>Paperback Adventures Character Box<br/><br/>The ending will come. But not how you expect.<br/><br/><br/> More defensive playstyle<br/> Heal damage if you have enough boon counters<br/> Charge your laser over time for a big blast<br/> Damage...
29,95 €

Última unidade em stock

Paperback Adventures: Plothook

Paperback Adventures: Plothook

Preço 29,95 €

alarm_on Restock


Paperback Adventures: Plothook

As Plothook the Pirate, you can have exciting Paperback Adventures alone or with a friend.<br/><br/>Paperback Adventures Character Box<br/><br/><br/> Word-heavy playstyle<br/> Barrage cards get bonuses for longer words<br/> Can drain the enemy's life!<br/> Can copy the effect of an item &ndash; effectively using it twice<br/> Crew...
29,95 €

alarm_on Restock



Preço 34,99 €

Última unidade

Última unidade


In Papua, players lead a scientific expedition to Papua New Guinea, one of the richest territories in flora and fauna, in the late years of the XIXth century. Their discoveries will astonish the scientific community &mdash; but only if they run the expedition successfully. Whomever manages to collect the most relevant discoveries will be remembered...
34,99 €

Última unidade em stock

Parade (EN)

Parade (EN)

Preço 24,99 €


Parade (EN)

The characters of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland are having a Parade!<br/><br/>All players are producers of this parade. Characters from Lewis Carroll's books such as Alice, The White Rabbit, and The Hatter are steadily invited to join this weird procession.<br/><br/>On your turn, you play a card (from your hand of five) to the end of the parade....
24,99 €


Paranormal Detectives

Paranormal Detectives

Preço 34,95 €

alarm_on Restock


Paranormal Detectives

You open your eyes to discover the most horrible truth of a lifetime... It has just come to an end and you are a ghost, floating in the air! Terrified, you look at your own body. A group of strange individuals have gathered around your mortal remains, watching it closely with sparks of fascination in their eyes. They want to communicate with you to...
34,95 €

alarm_on Restock

Paris: Eiffel

Paris: Eiffel

Preço 17,99 €

Em stock

Em stock

Paris: Eiffel

The tower built by architect Gustave Eiffel rises high above Paris, announcing the inauguration of the Universal Exposition. There are those who define it as a monstrous iron cyclops and others as the first step into modern architecture. There is no doubt it will leave very few indifferent.<br/><br/>Paris Eiffel is an expansion of Paris: La cit&eacute;...
17,99 €

Em stock

Paris: La Cité de la Lumière

Paris: La Cité de la Lumière

Preço 24,99 €

Última unidade

Última unidade

Paris: La Cité de la Lumière

Paris is a two-player board game by Jos&eacute; Antonio Abascal infused with Parisian aesthetics by the boardgame&rsquo;s artist Oriol Hern&aacute;ndez. The game is set in late 19th century Paris during the 1889 &ldquo;Exposition Universelle,&rdquo; or world&rsquo;s fair, when public electricity was a hot topic. Electricity spread throughout the city,...
24,99 €

Última unidade em stock



Preço 57,95 €

Em stock

Em stock


PARKS is a celebration of the US National Parks featuring illustrious art from Fifty-Nine Parks.<br/><br/>In PARKS, players will take on the role of two hikers as they trek through different trails across four seasons of the year. While on the trail, these hikers will take actions and collect memories of the places your hikers visit. These memories are...
57,95 €

Em stock

PARKS: Nightfall Expansion

PARKS: Nightfall Expansion

Preço 27,95 €


PARKS: Nightfall Expansion

Welcome to PARKS Expansion: Nightfall. In Nightfall, you'll find new Park Cards featuring new rewards and all new artwork from the Fifty-Nine Parks Print Series, including the 17 parks not represented in the base game. This expansion also includes new Year Cards and Bonus Scoring opportunities, and you'll get to experience the trail in a brand new way...
27,95 €


Party & Co - Shock You (PT)

Party & Co - Shock You (PT)

Preço 34,99 €

Em stock

Em stock

Party & Co - Shock You (PT)

Divertido, stressante, surpreendente, dinâmico! O novo Party & Co. tem 3 desafios diferentes. Passa nos testes antes de aparecerem as cãibras!</br> O jogo contém 242 cartas divididas em 3 divertidas categorias:</br> » Think Fast - responde o mais rápido possível a 5 perguntas. Não importa se as respostas são corretas ou não. Diz a primeira coisas que te...
34,99 €

Em stock

Party & Co Disney

Party & Co Disney

Preço 35,99 €

alarm_on Restock


Party & Co Disney

A Disney-themed children's game in the Party & Co family.<br/><br/>The game is played in teams. The aim of the game is collecting four Disney tokens. To earn these, the teams have to complete challenges. The type of challenge is selected by a Micky Mouse shaped electronic random generator, which also doubles as a timer. If the team guesses the correct...
35,99 €

alarm_on Restock

Party & Co Extreme 3.0

Party & Co Extreme 3.0

Preço 37,99 €


Party & Co Extreme 3.0

Description from the publisher:<br/><br/>From the Party &amp; Co family, here comes Extreme 3.0<br/><br/>Party &amp; Co: Extreme has been completely renovated and comes with more tests and more fun in Party &amp; Co: Extreme 3.0: the ultimate multiplayer, multi-test game.<br/><br/>It includes:<br/><br/>Game board<br/>Rotary dispenser<br/>680 cards with...
37,99 €


Party & Co Family

Party & Co Family

Preço 35,99 €

Em stock

Em stock

Party & Co Family

Party &amp; Co is made out of 5 different games and each game has to be done correctly to earn a disk. The 5 different categories are charades, drawing, trivia, lipreading and word guessing. Earn 5 disks and you win the game.<br/><br/>Essentialy, the same game as the original Party &amp; co, but more family-oriented.<br/><br/></br><p><p><p><b><a...
35,99 €

Em stock

Party & Co Junior

Party & Co Junior

Preço 24,99 €

Em stock

Em stock

Party & Co Junior

Jogo de mesa Party & Co. Junior da Diset. Em português. Versão para os mais pequenos do já clássico jogo de mesa Party & Co. Party & Co. Junior é um jogo infantil de perguntas e mais de 560 provas. Fácil e super divertido. O objectivo do jogo é de superar correctamente uma série de provas em equipa através de 5 divertidas categorias, pondo à prova as...
24,99 €

Em stock

Party & Co Original (edição 30º aniversário)

<p>Lançamento comemorativo do 20º aniversário da comercialização do jogo em Portugal. Totalmente renovado em grafismo e conteúdo, o Party & Co Original reúne o melhor dos mais divertidos jogos de sociedade. Composto por 5 categorias temáticas(Marcas, Desenhar, palavras Proíbidas, Mímica e Sons, Pergunta) com mais de 2000 novas provas, esta renovação,...
35,99 €


Passa O Desenho (Telestrations)

Passa o Desenho é a versão em desenhos do jogo clássico “Telefone Avariado”. É um jogo onde desenhas as palavras que leste e adivinhas os desenhos que viste. Tem como objectivo principal a diversão com os amigos e a família. E quem sabe até se descobre quem tem imenso jeito para desenhar e caso não tenham ainda mais divertido será!</br><p><p><p><b><a...
29,95 €


Patchwork (EN)

Patchwork (EN)

Preço 24,99 €


Patchwork (EN)

Em Patchwork, dois jogadores competem para construir a mais estética (e de alta pontuação) colcha de retalhos num tabuleiro de jogo pessoal de 9x9. Para iniciar o jogo, coloque para fora todos os retalhos de forma aleatória num círculo e coloque um marcador diretamente no retalho 2-1. Cada jogador tem cinco botões (a moeda/pontos do jogo) e alguém é...
24,99 €


Patchwork Doodle

Patchwork Doodle

Preço 15,95 €

Última unidade

Última unidade

Patchwork Doodle

Patchwork Doodle is a roll-and-write version of Patchwork, with each player having their own 9x9 grid to fill in over the course of the game. Each player sets up by drawing a unique polyomino card from the starting deck, then drawing that on their sheet.<br/><br/>In each round, players lay out a number of polyomino cards in a circle, then place the...
15,95 €

Última unidade em stock

Patchwork: Edición San Valentín (Valentine Edition)

In Patchwork, two players compete to build the most aesthetic (and high-scoring) patchwork quilt on a personal 9x9 game board. To start play, lay out all of the patches at random in a circle and place a marker directly clockwise of the 2-1 patch. Each player takes five buttons &mdash; the currency/points in the game &mdash; and someone is chosen as the...
23,99 €

Em stock

Patchwork: Halloween Edition

Patchwork: Halloween Edition

Preço 24,99 €

alarm_on Restock


Patchwork: Halloween Edition

In Patchwork, two players compete to build the most aesthetic (and high-scoring) patchwork quilt on a personal 9x9 game board. To start play, lay out all of the patches at random in a circle and place a marker directly clockwise of the 2-1 patch. Each player takes five buttons &mdash; the currency/points in the game &mdash; and someone is chosen as the...
24,99 €

alarm_on Restock

Patchwork: Valentine's Day...

Patchwork: Valentine's Day Edition

Preço normal 24,99 € -5% Preço


23,74 €

Em stock

Em stock

Patchwork: Valentine's Day Edition

In Patchwork, two players compete to build the most aesthetic (and high-scoring) patchwork quilt on a personal 9x9 game board. To start play, lay out all of the patches at random in a circle and place a marker directly clockwise of the 2-1 patch. Each player takes five buttons &mdash; the currency/points in the game &mdash; and someone is chosen as the...
24,99 € Desconto 5%
23,74 €

Em stock

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Core Set

Your Adventure Begins Here!<br/><br/>Belhaim's tower has just collapsed, its wizard is missing, and local kobolds are whispering the name of a long dead draconic nemesis. And that's just your first day in town...<br/><br/>This complete cooperative strategy game pits 1 to 4 players against monsters, perils, and traps as you become the heroes of Belhaim....
66,95 €


Pathfinder: Ascensão dos Mestres Rúnicos - Assassinatos do Esfolador

Desvende um mistério repleto de fantasmas vorazes, assombrações antigas, cultistas imundos, e muito mais com o Pathfinder: o Jogo de Aventuras – Ascensão dos mestres Rúnicos – Assassinatos do Esfolador. Esta expansão inclui novos locais, monstros, vilões, pilhagem, e muito mais, bem como cinco novos cenários que constituem o Murders Skinsaw aventura...
13,75 €

alarm_on Restock

Pathfinder: Ascensão dos Mestres Rúnicos - Pecado dos Salvadores

Esta expansão inclui 110 cartas novas, localizações, monstros, vilões, espólio e muito mais. Traz também cinco novos cenários que constituem a aventura completa Pecado dos Salvadores.</br><p><p><p><b><a href="https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/150074" target="_blank" class="btn btn-default">Link BGG</a></b></p></p></p>
13,75 €

alarm_on Restock

Pathfinder: Ascensão dos Mestres Rúnicos - Personagens Adicionais

Esta expansão inclui cartas de personagens novas, como bárbaro, druida, monge e paladino, e todas as outras cartas necessárias para jogar 5 e 6 jogadores.</br><p><p><p><b><a href="https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/139037" target="_blank" class="btn btn-default">Link BGG</a></b></p></p></p>
13,75 €

alarm_on Restock

Pathfinder: Ascensão dos Mestres Rúnicos - Picos de Xin-Shalast

Enfrente espíritos canibais, os defensores de um império decaído e o Mestre Rúnico da Ganância com Pathfinder, o Jogo de Aventuras: Picos de Xin-Shalast. Esta expansão de 110 cartas para Pathfinder, o Jogo de Aventuras: Ascensão dos Mestres Rúnicos Conjunto Básico inclui novos locais, monstros, vilões, espólio, e muito mais, como também 5 novos cenários...
13,75 €

alarm_on Restock

Pax Pamir: Second Edition

Pax Pamir: Second Edition

Preço 84,95 €


Pax Pamir: Second Edition

In Pax Pamir, players assume the role of nineteenth century Afghan leaders attempting to forge a new state after the collapse of the Durrani Empire. Western histories often call this period &quot;The Great Game&quot; because of the role played by the Europeans who attempted to use central Asia as a theater for their own rivalries. In this game, those...
84,95 €


Pax Renaissance: 2nd Edition

Pax Renaissance: 2nd Edition

Preço 77,95 €

alarm_on Restock


Pax Renaissance: 2nd Edition

Pax Renaissance 2nd Edition is a game for 1 to 4 players where you play as a banker in Europe at the height of the Renaissance during the late 15th and early 16th-century.<br/><br/>A time when European nobility and warlords declined and the arts and technology advanced in the wake of a new economic force: merchants and bankers. These bankers became...
77,95 €

alarm_on Restock

Peça A Palavra (Wordsmith)

Peça A Palavra (Wordsmith)

Preço 29,90 €

Última unidade

Última unidade

Peça A Palavra (Wordsmith)

WORDSMITH is all about discovering words, but instead of whole letters, you just have letter pieces in four different shapes. This brain tickling game for 1 to 4 players is a fast-paced, real-time word building frenzy!<br/><br/>All players create words simultaneously from their letter pieces. Each word can only be made and scored once, so a thrilling...
29,90 €

Última unidade em stock

Pelusas (Borbotos / No Mercy)

Pelusas (Borbotos / No Mercy)

Preço 13,50 €

Em stock

Em stock

Pelusas (Borbotos / No Mercy)

No Mercy (or HIT!) is a press-your-luck game in which you draw cards to get points &mdash; but you don't want to draw too often because then you might lose all your gains!<br/><br/>In more detail, the 90-card deck contains eleven cards each numbered 1-5 and seven cards each numbered 6-10. On a turn, you flip over a card from the deck and place it in...
13,50 €

Em stock



Preço 59,95 €

Em stock

Em stock


<p>In Pendulum, each player is a powerful, unique noble vying to succeed the Timeless King as the true ruler of Dünya. Players command their workers, execute stratagems, and expand the provinces in their domain in real time to gain resources and move up the four victory tracks: power, prestige, popularity, and legendary achievement.<br /><br />Players...
59,95 €

Em stock

Perudo (Bluff / Liar's Dice)

Perudo (Bluff / Liar's Dice)

Preço 21,99 €

alarm_on Restock


Perudo (Bluff / Liar's Dice)

Liar's Dice, a.k.a. Bluff, Perudo or Dudo, is a South American dice game in which each player is given five dice and cup to roll and hide them with. Players make successively higher declarations regarding the results of all the dice remaining in the game, e.g. &quot;there are ten sixes&quot;. However, someone can always contest the bid. When that...
21,99 €

alarm_on Restock



Preço 34,95 €

Em stock

Em stock


Fernando Pessoa (13 June 1888 - 30 November 1935) was a Portuguese poet, writer, literary critic, translator, publisher, and philosopher and has been described as one of the most significant literary figures of the 20th century and one of the greatest poets of all times. Pessoa was a prolific writer &mdash; and not only under his own name because he...
34,95 €

Em stock

Phase 10 (german)

Phase 10 (german)

Preço 15,99 €

Em stock

Em stock

Phase 10 (german)

<p>A rummy-type card game where players compete to be the first to finish completing all ten phases. Phases include collecting runs of numbers, collecting certain number of a given color cards, etc. The first player to finish completing the 10th phase wins. In case of ties, the player with the fewest number of points wins.<br /><br /></p> <p><b><a...
15,99 €

Em stock

Phase 10 (PT-ES-EN-FR-DE)

Phase 10 (PT-ES-EN-FR-DE)

Preço 15,99 €

Em stock

Em stock

Phase 10 (PT-ES-EN-FR-DE)

A rummy-type card game where players compete to be the first to finish completing all ten phases. Phases include collecting runs of numbers, collecting certain number of a given color cards, etc. The first player to finish completing the 10th phase wins. In case of ties, the player with the fewest number of points wins.<br/><br/></br><p><p><p><b><a...
15,99 €

Em stock



Preço 44,95 €

Última unidade

Última unidade


O sol brilha intensamente no dossel da floresta, e as árvores usam esta maravilhosa energia para crescer e desenvolver a sua bela folhagem. Semeia as tuas culturas com sabedoria e as sombras das tuas árvores em crescimento podem retardar o das árvores dos teus oponentes, mas não te esqueças que o sol gira em torno da floresta. Bem-vindo ao mundo da...
44,95 €

Última unidade em stock

Picatesoros (Hammer Time)

Picatesoros (Hammer Time)

Preço 16,99 €

alarm_on Restock


Picatesoros (Hammer Time)

It's hammer time! Players are working to collect shiny gemstones in the mine. They'll knock the gemstones off the box using the hammer. To complete their tasks, they need to collect the right number and color of gemstones. But be careful &ndash; anyone who knocks too hard will wake Dragomir the Dragon and lose their loot! The first player to completely...
16,99 €

alarm_on Restock

Pick Your Poison: After Dark

Pick Your Poison: After Dark

Preço 29,99 €

Em stock

Em stock

Pick Your Poison: After Dark

Everything good comes at a cost. What are you willing to live with? Win by playing your best perk and poisoning your neighbors.<br/><br/>Each round of play starts by choosing a judge. The remaining players will play a perk face-down(a white card that contains &quot;good stuff&quot;) that they think the judge will like. After every player plays a perk,...
29,99 €

Em stock

Pick-a-Cão (Pick-a-Perro /...

Pick-a-Cão (Pick-a-Perro / Pick-a-Dog)

Preço 12,95 €

Em stock

Em stock

Pick-a-Cão (Pick-a-Perro / Pick-a-Dog)

While Farmer Henry is enjoying red wine in his newly-built colossal basement, the piggies in the barn are also partying for fun! Impish as they are, they're really organized when it comes to forming groups for games. Recruit your team carefully, but not too slowly!<br/><br/>Pick-a-Dog (first published as Formissimo) features the same gameplay as...
12,95 €

Em stock



Preço 9,99 €

alarm_on Restock



Picnic is a quick family game in which players get rid of their hand of cards the fastest by bringing their favorite snacks to the picnic.<br/><br/>Every card has six suits with numbers in them relating with different snacks. At the beginning of the game, you choose one of those snacks. To get rid of your cards, you flip a card and every player has to...
9,99 €

alarm_on Restock



Preço 38,95 €

alarm_on Restock



Playing Pictionary may remind you of Charades, but with drawing on paper instead of acting out the answers. In Pictionary, though, both teams' (or even all three teams') clue givers may be drawing at the same time as players strive to be the first to guess the correct answer. When the answer is not designated &quot;All Play,&quot; one team simply...
38,95 €

alarm_on Restock

Pictionary Air 2

Pictionary Air 2

Preço 32,99 €

Em stock

Em stock

Pictionary Air 2

Playing Pictionary with paper is a thing of the past. Mattel has reinvented the classic quick-draw game with a twist, Pictionary Air. Pictionary Air takes your competitive sketching off the paper and puts it onto your phone, tablet or TV screen instead.<br/>The original award-winning drawing game gets a high-tech boost with Pictionary Air 2! Sketch...
32,99 €

Em stock



Preço 22,99 €



From the designer &amp; publisher:<br/><br/>Pictureka! is a new kind of game, both in mechanic as in artwork. The mechanic is invigorating with its large square gaming tiles. The game board is composed of 3 by 3 game tiles, so the game board on which is played is a huge square of 63 cm x 63 cm. This is large enough for several players to be able to play...
22,99 €


Pictures (EN/DE) [Spiel des...

Pictures (EN/DE) [Spiel des Jahres 2020]

Preço 39,95 €

Última unidade

Última unidade

Pictures (EN/DE) [Spiel des Jahres 2020]

Pictures is a quick-playing family game with very simple rules. Form the image on your secret picture card with one set of components, either shoelaces, color cubes, icon cards, sticks and stones or building blocks in such a way that the other players guess what image you have pictured:<br/><br/><br/> Pull out a marker from the bag that determines...
39,95 €

Última unidade em stock

Pictures (PT/ES) [Spiel des Jahres 2020]

Pictures is a quick-playing family game with very simple rules. Form the image on your secret picture card with one set of components, either shoelaces, color cubes, icon cards, sticks and stones or building blocks in such a way that the other players guess what image you have pictured:<br/><br/><br/> Pull out a marker from the bag that determines...
41,99 €




Preço 16,99 €



In Piepmatz, you skillfully play bird cards from your hand to collect seeds and birds at the bird feeder. Seeds and mated pairs of birds in your collection are worth points. Single birds score only if you have the most of their species. The course of play is the same for all numbers of players. On a turn, you go through these three phases in...
16,99 €


Piko Piko Junior (Heckmeck...

Piko Piko Junior (Heckmeck Junior)

Preço 9,95 €

alarm_on Restock


Piko Piko Junior (Heckmeck Junior)

Kids have been waiting for this a long time: Eventually, the fun the older players are having with Pickomino is now also available for the younger ones &ndash; in a charming, funny, and perfectly age-based dice game: Heckmeck Junior.<br/><br/>The player, who can roll the tastiest ingredients for his Mac Heck burger on the six dice, becomes &ldquo;Worm...
9,95 €

alarm_on Restock

Piou Piou

Piou Piou

Preço 9,99 €

alarm_on Restock


Piou Piou

Panic in the hen house, the fox is on the prowl and the eggs have not yet hatched ... [back of the box]<br/><br/>When it is his turn to play, the player chooses : <br/><br/> to throw a card into the pot<br/> or to carry out one of the game actions : -Lay an egg (by presenting the 3 cards - hen, rooster, nest, the player may take an egg card). He...
9,99 €

alarm_on Restock