I'm Right You're Wrong: NSFW


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Publisher RightWrongGame

Language b_english.png

Language dependence (0-4) ?

Player Count 2 3 4 5

Playing Time 0 to 30 minutes

Minimum age 21

Categories Card Game, Humor, Mature / Adult, Party Game

Mechanics Hand Management, Player Elimination, Push Your Luck, Secret Unit Deployment, Take That


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This is the Not Safe For Work Version of 'I'm Right You're Wrong' with adult situations and language.

I'm Right You're Wrong is a fun-first game that promotes mental wellness, themed around petty arguments. In fact, it was inspired by a real life office spat. Outwit and outlast your opponent(s), by holding onto your hand, and not breaking a rule.

Take turns, drawing a card and playing one from your hand. Each card is empowered with consequences. Some cards reduce your hand, some cards restrict your options. The twist is… attacking opponents screws you over, not them. It’s the only card game where playing your least worst option is your best. Play is similar to other casual games (hand management, elimination, take-that). No actual role-play or arguing involved.

Each player starts with 5 cards with powers and consequences. Each turn, draw and play one card from your hand. Many cards are self-punishing, so choose your least worst option to outlast your opponent.

You lose if: you run out of cards, you break a rule (forced or not), or you get caught bluffing.

The game ends when all but 1 player is eliminated.

—description from the designer

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I'm Right You're Wrong

I'm Right You're Wrong is a fun-first game that promotes mental wellness, themed around petty arguments. In fact, it was inspired by a real life office spat. Outwit and outlast your opponent(s), by holding onto your hand, and not breaking a rule.<br/><br/>Take turns, drawing a card and playing one from your hand. Each card is empowered with...

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