

Last unit in stock


This is the last unit of this item, so we recommend that you buy it online, even if it is to be collected from our store (Benfica-Lisboa).

Publisher Zoch Verlag

Language b_english.png e_french.png f_italian.png g_german.png

Language dependence (0-4) 0. No necessary in-game text

Player Count 1 2 3 4

Playing Time 30 to 60 minutes

Designer Oliver Richtberg

Minimum age 8

Categories Action / Dexterity, Fantasy

Mechanics Cooperative Game, Stacking and Balancing

Number of cards 40

Sleeves 65x65



As a tight-knit team in Menara, players use pillars and wondrously-shaped temple floors to build a spectacularly soaring structure full of nooks and crannies. Cooperation and static skills are in demand since for each mistake in construction, you have to add another floor to the temple.

A steady hand, an alert mind, and mutual assistance can help you successfully complete what seems to top out at dizzy heights...

Link BGG