Dinosaur Island


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Publisher Pandasaurus Games

Language b_english.png

Language dependence (0-4) 2. Moderate in-game text

Player Count 1 2 3 4

Playing Time Between 1 to 2 hours

Designer Brian Lewis, Jonathan Gilmour

Minimum age 8

Categories Economic, Science Fiction

Mechanics Action Points, Dice Rolling, Set Collection, Tile Placement, Worker Placement

Number of cards 92

Sleeves 63.5x88



In Dinosaur Island, players will have to collect DNA, research the DNA sequences of extinct dinosaur species, and then combine the ancient DNA in the correct sequence to bring these prehistoric creatures back to life. Dino cooking! All players will compete to build the most thrilling park each season, and then work to attract (and keep alive!) the most visitors each season that the park opens.

Do you go big and create a pack of Velociraptors? They'll definitely excite potential visitors, but you'd better make a large enough enclosure for them. And maybe hire some (read: a lot of) security. Or they WILL break out and start eating your visitors, and we all know how that ends. You could play it safe and grow a bunch of herbivores, but then you aren't going to have the most exciting park in the world (sad face). So maybe buy a roller coaster or two to attract visitors to your park the good old-fashioned way?

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