The Duke: Lord's Legacy

44,95 €

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Editora Catalyst Game Labs

Idioma b_english.png

Dependência de idioma (0-4) 0. Nenhuma

Nº Jogadores 2

Duração Até 30 minutos

Autor Jeremy Holcomb, Joseph Huber II, Loren Coleman, Randall N. Bills, Stephen McLaughlin

Idade Mínima 13

Temas Abstract Strategy, Medieval

Mecânicas Grid Movement, Square Grid, Tile Placement


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In The Duke, players move their troop tiles around the board and flip them over after each move. Each tile's side shows a different movement pattern. If you end your movement in a square occupied by an opponent's tile, you capture it. Capture your opponent's Duke to win!

The Duke: Lord's Legacy is a new edition of the game that changes none of the game rules, but instead features upgraded packaging, a re-written rulebook, the complete eight-tile Arthurian Legends expansion, and five new tiles!

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