The Duke: Lord's Legacy

44,95 €

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Editorial Catalyst Game Labs

Idioma b_english.png

Dependencia del idioma (0-4) 0. Ninguna

Núm. jugadores 2

Tiempo de juego 0 a 30 minutos

Autor Jeremy Holcomb, Joseph Huber II, Loren Coleman, Randall N. Bills, Stephen McLaughlin

Edad mínima 13

Temas Abstract Strategy, Medieval

Mecánicas Grid Movement, Square Grid, Tile Placement


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In The Duke, players move their troop tiles around the board and flip them over after each move. Each tile's side shows a different movement pattern. If you end your movement in a square occupied by an opponent's tile, you capture it. Capture your opponent's Duke to win!

The Duke: Lord's Legacy is a new edition of the game that changes none of the game rules, but instead features upgraded packaging, a re-written rulebook, the complete eight-tile Arthurian Legends expansion, and five new tiles!

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