Roll Player: Lockup Pack

7,99 €



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Editora Thunderworks Games

Idioma b_english.png

Dependência de idioma (0-4) 2. Média

Nº Jogadores 1 2 3 4

Duração Entre 1 a 2 horas

Autor Keith Matejka

Idade Mínima 10

Temas Dice, Expansion for Base-game, Fantasy

Mecânicas Card Drafting, Dice Rolling, Set Collection, Variable Player Powers


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Limitado a 1 por cliente / Limited to 1 per customer

A set of 6 cards originally available during the Kickstarter campaign for Lockup: A Roll Player Tale. They had a pledge level just for these cards.

Cards include:
Weapon Card: Ancestral Blade
Scroll Card: Transmute*
Minion Card: Insectoid*
Minion Card: Ratman*
Minion Card: Nightmare*
Minion Card: Flayer*

Requires the Roll Player: Monsters & Minions Expansion.

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