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Five Tribes (ES)
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Editora Days of Wonder
Dependência de idioma (0-4) 0. Nenhuma
Nº Jogadores 2 3 4
Duração De 30 a 60 minutos
Autor Bruno Cathala
Idade Mínima 13
Temas Animals, Arabian, Fantasy, Mythology
Mecânicas Auction/Bidding, Constrained Bidding, End Game Bonuses, Hidden Victory Points, Mancala, Modular Board, Set Collection, Square Grid, Take That, Turn Order, Variable Player Powers, Variable Set-up, Victory Points as a Resource
Nº Cartas
54 | 22
Sleeves 45x68 | 80x80
Designed by Bruno Cathala, Five Tribes builds on a long tradition of German-style games that feature wooden meeples. Here, in a unique twist on the now-standard "worker placement" genre, the game begins with the meeples already in place – and players must cleverly maneuver them over the villages, markets, oases, and sacred places tiles that make up Naqala. How, when, and where you dis-place these Five Tribes of Assassins, Elders, Builders, Merchants, and Viziers determine your victory or failure.
As befitting a Days of Wonder game, the rules are straightforward and easy to learn. But devising a winning strategy will take a more calculated approach than our standard fare. You need to carefully consider what moves can score you well and put your opponents at a disadvantage. You need to weigh many different pathways to victory, including the summoning of powerful Djinns that may help your cause as you attempt to control this legendary Sultanate.
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