Lista de produtos da marca Mebo

Passa O Desenho...

Passa O Desenho (Telestrations)

Preço 29,95 €

alarm_on Restock


Passa O Desenho (Telestrations)

Passa o Desenho é a versão em desenhos do jogo clássico “Telefone Avariado”. É um jogo onde desenhas as palavras que leste e adivinhas os desenhos que viste. Tem como objectivo principal a diversão com os amigos e a família. E quem sabe até se descobre quem tem imenso jeito para desenhar e caso não tenham ainda mais divertido será!</br><p><p><p><b><a...
29,95 €

alarm_on Restock

Peça A Palavra (Wordsmith)

Peça A Palavra (Wordsmith)

Preço 29,90 €

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Peça A Palavra (Wordsmith)

WORDSMITH is all about discovering words, but instead of whole letters, you just have letter pieces in four different shapes. This brain tickling game for 1 to 4 players is a fast-paced, real-time word building frenzy!<br/><br/>All players create words simultaneously from their letter pieces. Each word can only be made and scored once, so a thrilling...
29,90 €

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Preço 9,99 €

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Este é um jogo clássico que tem a sua origem há muitas centenas de anos. Diz-se que era um dos favoritos da jovem Rainha Vitória (no início do séc. XIX). Será que os Piratas vão conseguir vencer os Guardas da Fortaleza? Venha redescobrir este clássico com as novas ilustrações do Pedro Fernandes. Esta edição de Jogos na Caixa têm o tabuleiro e as regras...
9,99 €

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Preço 24,95 €

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Última unidade


Porto, the iconic city in the north of Portugal, is known worldwide for Port wine and the beauty of its historical center.<br/><br/>Porto is a fast-playing, competitive tile-laying game driven by card play. On your turn, you either draw cards or build floors. If you draw cards, the total value of the drawn cards cannot exceed 3. (Cards have values...
24,95 €

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Porto - Promo Card

Porto - Promo Card

Preço 2,99 €

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Porto - Promo Card

During setup, give this card to the last player. On that player's turn, he or she may use this card as a Construction card of any color. When it is used OR if someone builds a roof, pass this card to the next player on the right.<br/><br/></br><p><p><p><b><a href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn-default">Link...
2,99 €

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Profecia (Prophecy)

Profecia (Prophecy)

Preço 12,95 €

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Em stock

Profecia (Prophecy)

As a Mayan priest in Prophecy, your role is to interpret the cycles of creation and destruction on the different calendars. Make the most accurate prophecies to become the one and only Grand Priest. Sacrifice cards and try to win the corresponding tricks to prove your worth.<br/><br/></br><p><p><p><b><a href=""...
12,95 €

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Próxima Estação: Londres...

Em stock

Próxima Estação: Londres (Next Station: London)

The city of London has commissioned you to redesign its underground network! Optimise connections, serve as many sights as possible and exploit the tunnels that pass under the Thames. Be careful to respect the specifications set by the city.<br/><br/><br/> Reveal the next Station card.<br/> Draw a new section<br/> Optimise the 4 tube...
17,95 €

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Próxima Estação: Tokyo...

Em stock

Próxima Estação: Tokyo (Next Station: Tokyo)

Travel to the city of Tokyo, Japan, and compete to redraw their metro plans in order to meet the tourist challenges of tomorrow.<br/><br/>Each turn in Next Station: Tokyo, you reveal the next station card and draw a subway line on your map. You have to optimize your network to collect a maximum number of stamps and stay connected to the central green...
17,95 €

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Qual É O Código? (Break the Code)

Break the Code is a logical deduction game played with number tiles and question cards. You win if you can guess all of your opponent's tiles in a two-player game or if you can guess the face-down tiles in the center for a three- or four-player game. Put on your thinking cap!<br/><br/>Place all of the number tiles face down and shuffle them. Place your...
17,95 €




Preço 34,95 €

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Uma ilha foi recentemente descoberta. Baptizada como Cidade das Aves Sagradas, guarda na sua floresta segredos e tesouros que precisam de ser descobertos. Os jogadores e as suas equipas constituídas por exploradores e aventureiros vão tentar encontrar o maior número de objectos para depois os venderem no mercado internacional. A primeira coisa a fazer...
34,95 €

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Preço 19,90 €

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In all cultures there are mythical characters that protect people and help them to solve their problems. Those characters often take the human form with wings and we call them Guardian Angels or RAGAMI.<br/><br/>In this game, each player will play the role of a RAGAMI, winged human form, that travels around inside a city - the board. In this city, there...
19,90 €

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Rei de 12 (King of 12)

Rei de 12 (King of 12)

Preço 18,95 €

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Em stock

Rei de 12 (King of 12)

You want to become the new ruler of the Kingdom of 12. To do so, you use your magical orb. But to channel its power you will need the help of different characters throughout the kingdom.<br/><br/>In King of 12, each player plays with the same set of seven character cards. Each round, each player chooses one of these and plays it hidden to the table....
18,95 €

Em stock

Reis de Portugal

Reis de Portugal

Preço 9,99 €

alarm_on Restock


Reis de Portugal

Portugal, país com séculos de história, onde quatro dinastias reinaram, dirigindo os destinos de um nobre povo. Com regras muito simples, os jogadores jogam com as 34 cartas  que representam os reis e rainhas de Portugal. Cada um deles tem as suas vantagens e quem souber usar os seus trunfos da melhor maneira será coroado rei de Portugal. Quem será o...
9,99 €

alarm_on Restock

Salto (Halma)

Salto (Halma)

Preço 9,99 €

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Salto (Halma)

Este tipo de jogo faz parte de uma categoria de jogos tipo “damas chinesas”. O princípio é usar as suas peças e as do adversário, saltando através do tabuleiro numa corrida. Ganha quem primeiro ocupar o canto do tabuleiro do adversário, num jogo estimulante com ilustrações de outro mundo do Pedro Carvalho. Esta edição de Jogos na Caixa têm o tabuleiro e...
9,99 €

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Preço 9,99 €

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Dou Shou Qi, also known as Animal Chess in English (this English name is used when English text appears on sets) is a traditional Chinese game in which each player has eight animals that move about the board one square at a time, attempting to win by entering the opponent's den. Stronger animals can eat weaker ones, but the rat can defeat the elephant...
9,99 €

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Preço 17,95 €

alarm_on Restock



Splito is a fun and fast card game for 3 to 8 players! Based on a draft principle, at each turn put a card between you and your neighbor on the left... or on the right! Help each other to complete the objectives but be the smartest to be the only one to win.<br/><br/>Each player receives 13 cards at the beginning of the game, and at the end of each...
17,95 €

alarm_on Restock

Stranger Things: Attack of...

Stranger Things: Attack of the Mind Flayer

Preço 26,95 €

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Stranger Things: Attack of the Mind Flayer

<p>In Hawkins, Indiana, the Mind Flayer has created an army of possessed people to invade Earth. Some of you are already under its control...<br /><br />At the start of Stranger Things: Attack of the Mind Flayer, each player takes a character tile representing someone from the Stranger Things Netflix series. You will also receive a card that tells you...
26,95 €

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Taco Chapéu Bolo Prenda Pizza

Taco Chapéu Bolo Prenda Pizza

Preço 10,99 €

alarm_on Restock


Taco Chapéu Bolo Prenda Pizza

Taco Hat Cake Gift Pizza!<br/><br/>As soon as there is a match between a card and a spoken word, race to slap your hand on the central pile of cards. The last one to do so must take them all.<br/><br/>Be quick to be the first to get rid of all your cards. But watch out! Your mind will play<br/><br/>And guess what? There are new...
10,99 €

alarm_on Restock

Taco Gato Cabra Queijo Pizza

Taco Gato Cabra Queijo Pizza

Preço 10,99 €

alarm_on Restock


Taco Gato Cabra Queijo Pizza

<p>Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza is filled to the brim with hand-slapping mayhem! As in Snap and Dobble, each player places a card from their hand face up into a community pile while saying taco/cat/goat/cheese/pizza in player sequence. When the card matches the mantra — boom! — everyone slaps their hand on the deck, with the last one to slap picking up...
10,99 €

alarm_on Restock

Time's Up! Party (Edição...

Time's Up! Party (Edição Amarela PT)

Preço 25,95 €

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Em stock

Time's Up! Party (Edição Amarela PT)

A missão é simples: Dar a descobrir celebridades (reais ou de ficção) aos restantes membros da equipa. Primeiro, podem descrever-se as personagens à vontade, apenas sem dizer o seu nome. Mais tarde, apenas uma palavra será permitida... No final, as palavras estão proibidas e há que recorrer à mímica! Mas são apenas 30 segundos de cada vez pelo que não...
25,95 €

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Tinta Fantasma (Phantom Ink)

Tinta Fantasma (Phantom Ink)

Preço 19,95 €

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Tinta Fantasma (Phantom Ink)

Renowned mediums are competing to figure out a secret object and prove they can connect with the &quot;World Beyond&quot;. The first team to figure out the secret object wins!<br/><br/>To set up Phantom Ink, divide players so that the Sun team and the Moon team each have one Spirit and up to three Mediums. The mediums on a team share a hand of seven...
19,95 €

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Preço 27,95 €

alarm_on Restock



Triqueta is a set collection game for 2-5 players. Over four rounds, players draft animal tokens, trying to form a set of three for each animal type. Three tokens of the same type form a &quot;triqueta&quot;.<br/><br/>In each round, you and the other players draw animal tokens and place them in multiple rows. Find the perfect moment to grab your...
27,95 €

alarm_on Restock

Tummple Mix

Tummple Mix

Preço 21,95 €

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Em stock

Tummple Mix

A highly challenging version of Komarc's award-winning tummple! This time there's 3 different size bricks (6 different sides), yellow tumps, white tumps and now RED tumps.<br/><br/>In addition, there's a new Brick Shuffling Mobile App with timer and point calculator. Download to your phone and press START! The Shuffler App will indicate what brick to...
21,95 €

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Preço 21,95 €

alarm_on Restock



In the wooden stacking-and-building game tummple!, players take turns rolling a twelve sided die which tells them whether they must place a brick or an obstacle. The object is to avoid making any part of the structure collapse. If you make any bricks fall, you have to take them. At the end, the person with the fewest bricks...
21,95 €

alarm_on Restock

Última Mensagem (Last Message)

Última Mensagem (Last Message)

Preço 19,95 €

alarm_on Restock


Última Mensagem (Last Message)

A crime was just committed! The victim is unable to speak &mdash; but they can draw, and in doing so they will ideally help the inspectors guess who in the vast crowd is the criminal! This shifty character will do anything and everything to cover their tracks, though, so will you be able to stop them before the last message?<br/><br/>In Last Message,...
19,95 €

alarm_on Restock



Preço 19,95 €

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Em stock


Each player plays as a clan leader and has to secretly and wisely play a card from their hand, representing a member of their tribe, to try to take over some territories. Strategy and timing will be crucial for scoring! The player that scores the most points after 9 rounds wins the game.<br/><br/>Subcontinent of Vaalbara, Neolithic era. Your tribe sets...
19,95 €

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Preço 14,95 €

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Em stock


The card game Velonimo allows you to depict the merciless struggle in the animal world for the distinctive and highly prized &quot;petits pois-carottes&quot; jersey rewarded to the best climbing cyclist.<br/><br/></br><p><p><p><b><a href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn-default">Link...
14,95 €

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Preço 29,90 €

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Última unidade


Você é um Vírus que acabou de infectar um paciente. Agora tem que espalhar-se pelo corpo e obter mutações de modo a infectar todos os órgãos. O seu objectivo é criar Crises em órgãos ou controlar Zonas do corpo de modo a ganhar Pontos Virais (PV). Mas existem outros Vírus - controlados por outros jogadores - e o próprio Sistema Imunitário que não vão...
29,90 €

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Viral: Mutação na Convenção...

Viral: Mutação na Convenção Promo Card

Preço 2,99 €

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Em stock

Viral: Mutação na Convenção Promo Card

This card allows players to do 3 actions:<br/><br/><br/> Shield one of their viruses or trigger a crisis on an organ displayed in their zone card<br/> Infect any organ on their zone card or absorb any other viruses on an organ displayed in their zone card<br/> Attract or repel any other viruses any other viruses on an organ displayed in...
2,99 €

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Viral: Mutação Violenta...

Viral: Mutação Violenta Promo Card

Preço 2,99 €

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Em stock

Viral: Mutação Violenta Promo Card

Promo card for Viral that lets you do 4 things: twice an attack in the zone that you have combined with this mutation card and 2 movements. <br/>It's worth 1 victory point at the end of the game.<br/><br/></br><p><p><p><b><a href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn-default">Link BGG</a></b></p></p></p>
2,99 €

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Viral: Praga Promo Card

Viral: Praga Promo Card

Preço 2,99 €

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Em stock

Viral: Praga Promo Card

Promo mutation card for Viral that gives you 4 actions: you can place 2 of your viruses in the zone whom you combined this mutation card with and you get 2 movements.<br/>At the end of the game this card is worth 0 victory points.<br/><br/></br><p><p><p><b><a href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn-default">Link...
2,99 €

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Viral: Super Vírus (Viral:...

Viral: Super Vírus (Viral: The Hive)

Preço 9,99 €

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Viral: Super Vírus (Viral: The Hive)

Have you conquered the body in Viral? Are you ready to turn up the heat? The Viral: The Hive expansion introduces five asymmetric and highly thematic viral factions.<br/><br/>In this expansion, each player starts with a new hive within the body from which to spread their influence and unlock new abilities for their viral...
9,99 €

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Viral: Vaselitus Promo Card

Viral: Vaselitus Promo Card

Preço 2,99 €

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Em stock

Viral: Vaselitus Promo Card

Promo card for VIRAL featuring likeness of Tom Vasel.<br/><br/>Vaselitus<br/>In player order, each player may Attack one virus in an organ where they have a virus.<br/><br/></br><p><p><p><b><a href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn-default">Link BGG</a></b></p></p></p>
2,99 €

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Viral: Vírus na Leiriacon...

Viral: Vírus na Leiriacon Promo Card

Preço 4,99 €

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Em stock

Viral: Vírus na Leiriacon Promo Card

Promo card from Corax Games in Essen 2017<br/><br/>Event card:<br/>The player who is the at the top of the Tie-Breaker Table may exchange 2 Zone tiles on the board.<br/><br/>(free translation of the original German text on card:<br/>Der Spieler, der auf der Gleichstandtafel am weitesten oben liegt, darf 2 auf dem Spielbrett befindliche Zonenmarker...
4,99 €

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Virus! (PT)

Virus! (PT)

Preço 14,95 €

alarm_on Restock


Virus! (PT)

<p>Experimental virus outbreaks have escaped the lab and only you can stop them! Face the pandemic and compete to be the first to eradicate the virus by isolating a healthy body. Ethical or not, all means at your reach are valid to achieve victory. Use your wits to boycott your rivals' efforts and win.<br /><br />Each turn in Virus! you either play a...
14,95 €

alarm_on Restock

Zombie Kittens (PT)

Zombie Kittens (PT)

Preço 26,95 €

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Em stock

Zombie Kittens (PT)

Zombie Kittens is still the highly strategic, kitty-powered version of Russian Roulette that you love, but it introduces a brand new deck of cards so that your game doesn&rsquo;t end just because you blow up. Only living players can win the game, but dead players now get to keep the cards in their hands when they explode. They also get to play certain...
26,95 €

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