
27,95 €

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Editora Mebo

Idioma a_portuguese.png c_spanish.png

Dependência de idioma (0-4) 0. Nenhuma

Nº Jogadores 2 3 4 5

Duração Até 30 minutos

Autor Ralf zur Linde, Stefan Dorra

Idade Mínima 7

Temas Abstract Strategy, Animals, Mythology

Mecânicas Open Drafting, Set Collection


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Triqueta is a set collection game for 2-5 players. Over four rounds, players draft animal tokens, trying to form a set of three for each animal type. Three tokens of the same type form a "triqueta".

In each round, you and the other players draw animal tokens and place them in multiple rows. Find the perfect moment to grab your favorite row, or you might be stuck with one you do not want. At the end of the game, you score especially well for your triquetas. For more than three tokens of the same type, however, you will lose points instead...

—description from the publisher

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