Hay 468 productos.

Jogos outras categorias

Hay 468 productos.



5,00 € - 180,00 €

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3 - 18

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Cocos Locos (Crazy Coconuts)

Cocos Locos (Crazy Coconuts)

Precio 23,95 €


Cocos Locos (Crazy Coconuts)

<p>Crazy Coconuts é um jogo de destreza baseado no personagem Monkey King da mitologia chinesa. No jogo, os jogadores lançam cocos em direção a um campo de copos no meio da área de jogo. Derrube um copo, e você começa a empilhá-lo na sua área de jogador; derruba um copo na área de outra pessoa, e você move-o para a sua. Ao jogar cartas especiais Monkey...
23,95 €


Codenames: Disney Family...

Codenames: Disney Family Edition

Precio 28,95 €

alarm_on Restock


Codenames: Disney Family Edition

In Codenames, two teams compete to see who can guess all of their words correctly first &mdash; but those words are hiding in plain sight in a 5x5 or grid that includes the words of the other team, neutral words, and an game over card that will cause you to lose the game immediately if you guess it. One person on each team is a spymaster and only these...
28,95 €

alarm_on Restock

Codenames: Duet (EN)

Codenames: Duet (EN)

Precio 21,95 €

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Última unidad

Codenames: Duet (EN)

Cooperativamente, vais precisar de revelar todos os quinze agentes - sem revelar nenhum assassino - antes do tempo se esgotar para ganhar o jogo. Qualquer um dos jogadores pode decidir dar a primeira pista de uma palavra ao outro jogador, juntamente com um número. Quando recebes uma pista coloca um dedo num cartão para identificar esse agente. Se...
21,95 €

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Codenames: Marvel

Codenames: Marvel

Precio 29,90 €


Codenames: Marvel

Codenames: Marvel combines the hit social word game Codenames, while featuring characters and locations from the Marvel Universe including, Spider Man, Guardians of the Galaxy, The Avengers and Doctor Strange.<br/><br/>In Codenames, two teams &mdash; S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra in this case &mdash; compete to see who can guess all of their field agents...
29,90 €


Codenames: Pictures (EN)

Codenames: Pictures (EN)

Precio 19,95 €

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En stock

Codenames: Pictures (EN)

Dois espiões rivais sabem as identidades secretas de os seus agentes no campo. os seus companheiros de equipa sabem os agentes apenas por os seus Codenames. Em Codenames: Pictures , duas equipas competem para ver quem consegue fazer contacto com todos os seus agentes primeiro. O espião mestre dá pistas de uma só palavra que, preferencialmente, se...
19,95 €

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Código Secreto (Codenames PT)

Código Secreto (Codenames PT)

Precio 24,99 €

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En stock

Código Secreto (Codenames PT)

Neste jogo de espiões e agentes duas equipas competem para ver quem conseguirá fazer contacto com todos os seus agentes primeiro ao mesmo tempo que evitam o assassino. Código Secreto: ganhando ou perdendo, é sempre empolgante descobrir o significado das pistas. </br><p><p><p><b><a href="https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/178900" target="_blank"...
24,99 €

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Código Secreto: Disney - Edição Familiar (Codenames: Disney)

In Codenames, two teams compete to see who can guess all of their words correctly first &mdash; but those words are hiding in plain sight in a 5x5 or grid that includes the words of the other team, neutral words, and an game over card that will cause you to lose the game immediately if you guess it. One person on each team is a spymaster and only these...
21,99 €

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Código Secreto: Dueto...

Código Secreto: Dueto (Codenames: Duet PT)

Precio 21,99 €

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En stock

Código Secreto: Dueto (Codenames: Duet PT)

Cooperativamente, vais precisar de revelar todos os quinze agentes - sem revelar nenhum assassino - antes do tempo se esgotar para ganhar o jogo. Qualquer um dos jogadores pode decidir dar a primeira pista de uma palavra ao outro jogador, juntamente com um número. Quando recebes uma pista coloca um dedo num cartão para identificar esse agente. Se...
21,99 €

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Precio 49,95 €

alarm_on Restock



In the 15th and 16th century, Portugal is thriving under its leading role during the Age of Discovery. Nestled in the heart of Portugal, the city of Coimbra serves as a&nbsp;cultural center of the country. As the head of one of Coimbra's oldest houses, you seek to earn prestige by deepening relationships with nearby monasteries or funding expeditions of...
49,95 €

alarm_on Restock

Coloretto (10th anniversary...

Coloretto (10th anniversary edition)

Precio 9,99 €

alarm_on Restock


Coloretto (10th anniversary edition)

Como um camaleão, os jogadores mudarão de cor várias vezes durante o jogo. Em Coloretto deverás reunir o maior número de cartas de cada cor. Mas cuidado, a partir da quarta cor a pontuação é negativa. Um jogo divertido onde terás de arriscar para conseguir a melhor combinação de cores.</br><p><p><p><b><a href="https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/5782"...
9,99 €

alarm_on Restock

Colt Express (EN)

Colt Express (EN)

Precio 34,99 €

alarm_on Restock


Colt Express (EN)

No dia 11 de julho de 1899, às 10 horas, a União Pacific Express deixou Folsom, Novo México, com quarenta e sete passageiros a bordo. Depois de alguns minutos, tiros e passos apressados ??no peçado puderam ser ouvido. Bandidos fortemente armados roubaram carteiras e jóias de cidadãos honestos. Será que eles conseguem roubar a mala de pagamento da Coal...
34,99 €

alarm_on Restock

Concordia (EN)

Concordia (EN)

Precio 44,95 €

alarm_on Restock


Concordia (EN)

<p>Há dois mil anos, o Império Romano dominava as terras à volta do Mar Mediterrâneo. Com a paz na fronteira, a harmonia dentro das províncias, a lei uniforme, e uma moeda comum, a economia prosperou e deu origem a dinastias romanas poderosas à medida que se expandiam ao longo dos vários municípios. Guie uma dessas dinastias e envie colonos para os...
44,95 €

alarm_on Restock

Cortex: Harry Potter

Cortex: Harry Potter

Precio 18,95 €

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En stock

Cortex: Harry Potter

Enter the wizarding world of Harry Potter with this new edition of Cortex. Players will discover new mini games, and try to be the first players to challenge their memory, logic and observation skills.<br/><br/>&mdash;description from the publisher<br/><br/></br><p><p><p><b><a href="https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/371436" target="_blank" class="btn...
18,95 €

En stock

Cottage Garden

Cottage Garden

Precio 29,99 €


Cottage Garden

Em Cottage Garden, os jogadores competem na arte da jardinagem e trabalham com uma variedade de flores. Os jogadores selecionam tiles num mercado central, de acordo com a posição do "jardineiro", então os jogadores posicionam os tiles nos  seus tabuleiros pessoais de jardim. Cada tabuleiro possui vários elementos de jardinagem que valem pontos de...
29,99 €




Precio 18,99 €

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En stock


Em Coup, você quer ser o último jogador com influência no jogo. A influência é representada por cartas de personagens com a face para baixo na sua área de jogo.Cada jogador começa o jogo com duas moedas e dois de influência, ou seja, duas cartas de personagens viradas para baixo, o baralho de quinze consiste em três cópias de cinco personagens...
18,99 €

En stock

Dead of Winter: A...

Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game

Precio 87,95 €

alarm_on Restock


Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game

Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game é um jogo que testa a capacidade de um grupo de sobreviventes a trabalhar juntos e permanecer vivo enquanto enfrenta crises e desafios, tanto fora como dentro. Dead of Winter coloca 2-5 jogadores numa pequena colónia enfraquecida de sobreviventes num mundo onde a maior parte da humanidade ou está morta ou doente,...
87,95 €

alarm_on Restock

Dead of Winter: The Long Night

Dead of Winter: the Long Night é um jogo de tabuleiro independente, bem como uma expansão para Dead of Winter. Os jogadores experimentarão uma nova colónia cheia de novos sobreviventes e alguns novos elementos de jogabilidade. Lute contra bandidos de outra colónia, construa melhorias para sua colónia, assista os locais evoluírem à medida que os...
72,95 €


Deception: Murder in Hong Kong

Deception: Murder in Hong Kong (ou CS-Files, título da versão original) é um jogo de dedução e bluff para 4 a 12 jogadores e com duração de cerca de 20 minutos. Os jogadores assumem papéis de investigadores tentando resolver um caso de assassinato, mas há um porém: o assassino é um dos investigadores. A equipa e a personagem de cada jogador é...
40,95 €


Deckscape: Test Time

Deckscape: Test Time

Precio 15,95 €

alarm_on Restock


Deckscape: Test Time

Deckscape: Test Time is the first title in a series of cooperative games inspired by real escape rooms in which a group of people are &quot;trapped&quot; inside a room full of puzzles and odd items. The goal of the game is to solve puzzles, understand the plot of the story, and make intelligent use of the items provided in order to exit from the room as...
15,95 €

alarm_on Restock

Deckscape: The Fate of London

Deckscape: The Fate of London

Precio 16,95 €

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Última unidad

Deckscape: The Fate of London

Deckscape: The Fate of London é o segundo jogo da série cooperativa inspirada por Escape the room reais, no qual um grupo de pessoas está "preso" num quarto cheio de puzzles e itens antigos. O objetivo do jogo é resolver os puzzles, perceber o enredo da história e dar um bom uso aos itens fornecidos para poderem sair do quarto o mais rapidamente...
16,95 €

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Precio 24,99 €

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En stock


Players compete in two teams in Decrypto, with each trying to correctly interpret the coded messages presented to them by their teammates while cracking the codes they intercept from the opposing team.<br/><br/>In more detail, each team has their own screen, and in this screen they tuck four cards in pockets numbered 1-4, letting everyone on the same...
24,99 €

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Detective: A Modern Crime...

Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game

Precio 44,95 €

alarm_on Restock


Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game

In Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game you are going to solve FIVE different cases and find out what connects them, you are going to BREAK THE 4th WALL by using every resource you can, you are going to browse the game's DEDICATED DATABASE simulating your agency's resources, you will enter a city maze of old mysteries and fresh CRIME, and you will be...
44,95 €

alarm_on Restock

Diamant (EN)

Diamant (EN)

Precio 27,99 €


Diamant (EN)

Diamant é um jogo rápido e divertido. Jogadores aventuram-se em minas, virando cartas de um baralho, compartilhando as pedras no caminho. Antes da próxima carta ser virada para cima, você tem a chance de sair da mina e esconder os seus achados, incluindo as gemas que você pegou na saída. Por que você saiu? Porque a plataforma também contém perigos,...
27,99 €


Dice Forge (EN)

Dice Forge (EN)

Precio 54,99 €

alarm_on Restock


Dice Forge (EN)

Heróis, estejam prontos! Os deuses estão a oferecer um lugar no céu a qualquer herói que consiga derrotar os seus rivais. A tua coragem e inteligência serão os teus aliados mais preciosos quando fores usar dados divinos para reunir recursos ao longo do caminho para a vitória. Os teus dados divinos são excepcionais, com rostos removíveis! Personaliza os...
54,99 €

alarm_on Restock

Disney Animated

Disney Animated

Precio 42,95 €

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En stock

Disney Animated

<p>Disney Sorcerer's Arena: Epic Alliances – Thrills & Chills Expansion adds three new characters to Disney Sorcerer's Arena: Epic Alliances: Mother Gothel, Jack Skellington, and the Horned King.<br /><br />Take your combat skills in Disney Sorcerer’s Arena: Epic Alliances to all new levels with the Thrills and Chills expansion pack! Jack Skellington,...
42,95 €

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Disney Gargoyles: Awakening

Disney Gargoyles: Awakening

Precio 52,95 €

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En stock

Disney Gargoyles: Awakening

In Disney Gargoyles: Awakening, which is named after the TV show, players each represent one of six Gargoyles characters &mdash; Goliath, Brooklyn, Lexington, Broadway, Hudson, or NYPD detective Elisa Maza &mdash; fight against baddies Xanatos and Demona in one of four scenarios on a three-dimensional cityscape board showing Manhattan as it was depicted...
52,95 €

En stock

Disney Lorcana TCG: Into the Inklands - Booster Pack

Each individually wrapped booster pack contains a total of 12 cards, including 6 common cards, 3 uncommon cards, 2 cards of rare, super rare, or legendary rarity, and 1 randomly selected foil card.</br></br> Explore the enchanting world of Lorcana in this extraordinary trading card game. Discover stunning original artwork that beautifully captures the...
6,50 €

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Disney Lorcana TCG: Into...

Disney Lorcana TCG: Into the Inklands - Gift Set

Precio 31,99 €

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Disney Lorcana TCG: Into the Inklands - Gift Set

The gift set includes 2 collectible oversized foil cards and 2 playable foil game cards in addition to game tokens and 4 randomized booster packs. The Disney Lorcana TCG gift set for Into the Inklands features Stitch – Covert Agent and Tinker Bell – Very Clever Fairy. Contains 2 Oversized foil cards, 2 playable foil cards, 34 damage counters, 2 Lore...
31,99 €

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Disney Lorcana TCG: Into the Inklands - Starter Deck Amber / Emerald

Contains 1 starter deck of 60 cards (including 2 foil cards), 11 damage counters, 1 paper playmat, 1 paper tracker token, 1 Quick Start Rules sheet, and 1 BONUS booster pack of 12 randomized cards.</br></br> Explore the enchanting world of Lorcana in this extraordinary trading card game. Discover stunning original artwork that beautifully captures the...
20,99 €

En stock

Disney Lorcana TCG: Into the Inklands - Starter Deck Ruby / Sapphire

Contains 1 starter deck of 60 cards (including 2 foil cards), 11 damage counters, 1 paper playmat, 1 paper tracker token, 1 Quick Start Rules sheet, and 1 BONUS booster pack of 12 randomized cards.</br></br> Explore the enchanting world of Lorcana in this extraordinary trading card game. Discover stunning original artwork that beautifully captures the...
20,99 €

En stock

Disney Lorcana TCG: Rise of the Floodborn - Booster Pack

Each individually wrapped booster pack contains a total of 12 cards, including 6 common cards, 3 uncommon cards, 2 cards of rare, super rare, or legendary rarity, and 1 randomly selected foil card. Every card in Disney Lorcana: Rise of the Floodborn is available as a foil card.</br></br> Explore the enchanting world of Lorcana in this extraordinary...
6,50 €

En stock

Disney Lorcana TCG: Rise of the Floodborn - Starter Deck Amber / Sapphire

Contains 1 starter deck of 60 cards (including 2 foil cards), 11 damage counters, 1 paper playmat, 1 paper tracker token, 1 Quick Start Rules sheet, and 1 BONUS booster pack of 12 randomized cards. Featuring cards from the Amber and Amethyst inks.</br></br> Explore the enchanting world of Lorcana in this extraordinary trading card game. Discover...
20,99 €

En stock

Disney Lorcana TCG: Rise of the Floodborn - Starter Deck Amethyst / Steel

Contains 1 starter deck of 60 cards (including 2 foil cards), 11 damage counters, 1 paper playmat, 1 paper tracker token, 1 Quick Start Rules sheet, and 1 BONUS booster pack of 12 randomized cards. Featuring cards from the Amber and Amethyst inks.</br></br> Explore the enchanting world of Lorcana in this extraordinary trading card game. Discover...
20,99 €

En stock

Disney Lorcana TCG: The First Chapter - Booster Pack

Each individually wrapped booster pack contains a total of 12 cards, including 6 common cards, 3 uncommon cards, 2 cards of rare, super rare, or legendary rarity, and 1 randomly selected foil card. Every card in Disney Lorcana: The First Chapter is available as a foil card.</br></br> Explore the enchanting world of Lorcana in this extraordinary trading...
6,50 €


Disney Lorcana TCG: The First Chapter - Starter Deck Amber / Amethyst

Contains 1 starter deck of 60 cards (including 2 foil cards), 11 damage counters, 1 paper playmat, 1 paper tracker token, 1 Quick Start Rules sheet, and 1 BONUS booster pack of 12 randomized cards. Featuring cards from the Amber and Amethyst inks.</br></br> Explore the enchanting world of Lorcana in this extraordinary trading card game. Discover...
20,99 €


Disney Lorcana TCG: The First Chapter - Starter Deck Emerald / Ruby

Contains 1 starter deck of 60 cards (including 2 foil cards), 11 damage counters, 1 paper playmat, 1 paper tracker token, 1 Quick Start Rules sheet, and 1 BONUS booster pack of 12 randomized cards. Featuring cards from the Amber and Amethyst inks.</br></br> Explore the enchanting world of Lorcana in this extraordinary trading card game. Discover...
20,99 €

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Disney Lorcana TCG: The First Chapter - Starter Deck Sapphire / Steel

Contains 1 starter deck of 60 cards (including 2 foil cards), 11 damage counters, 1 paper playmat, 1 paper tracker token, 1 Quick Start Rules sheet, and 1 BONUS booster pack of 12 randomized cards. Featuring cards from the Amber and Amethyst inks.</br></br> Explore the enchanting world of Lorcana in this extraordinary trading card game. Discover...
20,99 €


Disney Mickey and the...

Disney Mickey and the Beanstalk

Precio 24,95 €

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Última unidad

Disney Mickey and the Beanstalk

This cooperative game continues the classic adventure from Disney&rsquo;s Mickey and the Beanstalk. Join Mickey, Minnie, Donald, and Goofy, as you work together to collect food from the Giant&rsquo;s table. Don&rsquo;t get caught or the Giant will lock the food away! Rescue the Golden Harp from the lock box and slide down the vine to bring everything...
24,95 €

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Disney Sorcerer's Arena:...

Disney Sorcerer's Arena: Epic Alliances - Turning the Tide Expansion

Precio base 27,95 € -20% Precio


22,36 €

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En stock

Disney Sorcerer's Arena: Epic Alliances - Turning the Tide Expansion

Take your combat skills in Disney Sorcerer&rsquo;s Arena: Epic Alliances to all-new levels with the Turning the Tide expansion pack!<br/><br/>Davy Jones, Moana, and Stitch bring new attacks and abilities true to their characters that will change the course of the Arena&rsquo;s already epic battles. Disney Sorcerer&rsquo;s Arena: Epic Alliances is the...
27,95 € 20% de descuento
22,36 €

En stock

Disney Sorcerer's Arena:...

Disney Sorcerer's Arena: Epic Alliances Core Set

Precio 59,95 €

alarm_on Restock


Disney Sorcerer's Arena: Epic Alliances Core Set

Become the next Master Summoner in the battle arena game Disney Sorcerer's Arena: Epic Alliances, an expandable tabletop game inspired by the popular mobile game Disney Sorcerer's Arena.<br/><br/>Recruit from a battle-ready roster of Disney and Pixar heroes and villains &mdash; Sorcerer's Apprentice Mickey, Gaston, Aladdin, Demona, Sulley, Dr. Facilier,...
59,95 €

alarm_on Restock

Disney Villainous

Disney Villainous

Precio 64,95 €

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En stock

Disney Villainous

In Villainous, each player takes control of one of six Disney characters, each one a villain in a different Disney movie. Each player has their own villain deck, fate deck, player board, and 3D character.<br/><br/>On a turn, the active player moves their character to a different location on their player board, takes one or more of the actions visible on...
64,95 €

En stock

Disney Villainous: Bigger...

Disney Villainous: Bigger and Badder

Precio 51,95 €

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En stock

Disney Villainous: Bigger and Badder

In Villainous: Bigger and Badder, each player takes control of one of three Disney characters, each one a villain in a different Disney movie, specifically Syndrome (The Incredibles), Lotso (Toy Story 3), and Madam Mim (The Sword in the Stone). Each player has their own villain deck, fate deck, player board, and 3D character.<br/><br/>On a turn, the...
51,95 €

En stock

Disney Villainous:...

Disney Villainous: Despicable Plots

Precio 52,95 €

En stock

En stock

Disney Villainous: Despicable Plots

In Villainous: Despicable Plots, each player takes control of one of three Disney characters, each one a villain in a different Disney movie, specifically Lady Tremaine (Cinderella), the Horned King (The Black Cauldron), and Gaston (Beauty and the Beast). Each player has their own villain deck, fate deck, player board, and 3D character.<br/><br/>On a...
52,95 €

En stock

Disney Villainous: Evil Comes Prepared

In Disney Villainous: Evil Comes Prepared, each player takes control of one of three Disney characters, each one a villain in a different Disney movie, specifically Scar from The Lion King, Yzma from The Emperor's New Groove, and Ratigan from The Great Mouse Detective. Each player has their own villain deck, fate deck, player board, and 3D...
51,95 €


Disney Villainous: Filled...

Disney Villainous: Filled with Fright

Precio 27,99 €

En stock

En stock

Disney Villainous: Filled with Fright

In Disney Villainous: Filled with Fright, one player takes on the role of Oogie Boogie from Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas and attempts to dethrone Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin King.<br/><br/>Note that this is a single character expansion and must be combined with a Disney Villainous standalone game.<br/><br/></br><p><p><p><b><a...
27,99 €

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Disney Villainous:...

Disney Villainous: Perfectly Wretched

Precio 50,95 €

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Última unidad

Disney Villainous: Perfectly Wretched

In Disney Villainous: Perfectly Wretched, each player takes control of one of three Disney characters, each one a villain in a different Disney movie, specifically Cruella de Vil from 101 Dalmatians, Mother Gothel from Tangled, and Pete from Steamboat Willie. Each player has their own villain deck, fate deck, player board, and 3D character.<br/><br/>On...
50,95 €

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Disney Villainous: Sugar...

Disney Villainous: Sugar and Spite

Precio 31,95 €

alarm_on Preventa


Disney Villainous: Sugar and Spite

In Villainous: Sugar and Spite, each player takes control of one of two Disney characters, each a villain in a different Disney movie, specifically King Candy (Wreck-It Ralph) and Shere Khan (The Jungle Book). Each player has their own villain deck, fate deck, player board, and 3D character.<br/><br/>On a turn, the active player moves their character to...
31,95 € i

alarm_on Novedad en Preventa

Disney Villainous: Wicked to the Core

<p>In Villainous: Wicked to the Core, each player takes control of one of three Disney characters, each one a villain in a different Disney movie, specifically the Evil Queen from Snow White, Hades from Hercules, and Dr. Facilier from The Princess and the Frog. Each player has their own villain deck, fate deck, player board, and 3D character.<br /><br...
51,95 €


Disney Villains: The Card Game

Disney Villains: The Card Game

Precio 14,99 €

En stock

En stock

Disney Villains: The Card Game

Game play in Disney Villains: The Card Game is simple, but the villains rarely stay loyal to you, possibly giving points away to other players.<br/><br/>In the game, each player takes their own villain deck, which consists of cards numbered 1-6 three times in various colors. Shuffle your deck, then lay one card face up and take four cards in hand. On a...
14,99 €

En stock

Disney: The Haunted Mansion - Call of the Spirits Game

Disney&rsquo;s beloved The Haunted Mansion comes to life &mdash; err, death &mdash; in this hauntingly fun family board game! Explore all the classic rooms of the ghost-infested manor, from the festivities-filled Ballroom to the Attic and out to the Graveyard and beyond in search of spirits. Beware, though, of the Hitchhiking Ghosts, who are notorious...
29,95 €


Dixit (PT/ES)

Dixit (PT/ES)

Precio 34,95 €

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En stock

Dixit (PT/ES)

Dixit, vencedor de variadíssimos prémios, tem conseguido maravilhar, devido à sua originalidade, todos aqueles que se juntam a uma mesa para o jogar. Na verdade Dixit é muito mais do que um jogo, é uma experiência que foge por completo aos cânones normais dos jogos familiares que podemos encontrar no mercado. Desta vez convida-se o jogador a abrir a sua...
34,95 €

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Dixit Odyssey (PT)

Dixit Odyssey (PT)

Precio 34,95 €

alarm_on Restock


Dixit Odyssey (PT)

<p>Dixit voltou, e traz consigo novos mundos para descobrir e novas cartas para contemplar. Dixit Odyssey é destinado a todos os fãs do jogo original que já ansiavam por novos desafios. As novidades são muitas. Agora vai ser possível juntar à mesma mesa até 12 amigos que poderão participar nesta aventura individualmente ou em equipas. O melhor de tudo é...
34,95 €

alarm_on Restock