Runes & Regulations


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Publisher TeeTurtle

Language b_english.png

Language dependence (0-4) ?

Player Count 2 3 4

Playing Time 0 to 30 minutes

Designer Ramy Badie

Categories Card Game, Fantasy

Mechanics Set Collection, Take That


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Runes & Regulations is a 2-4 player strategic card game that combines the aggressiveness of a horde of dragons with the passive-aggressiveness of a suburban unicorn.

Immerse yourself in this world of magic and the mundane by summoning mythical pets and casting powerful spells, all within the comfort of your own home.

Goal: Collect 5 Mythical Creatures on your lawn to win.

To do this, you will draw cards from the main deck and add them to your hand. Then use the cards to:

Cast Powerful Spells
Summon Fantastical Creatures
Activate Enchanted Runes
Follow HOA Regulations

You can hex a neighbors creatures, destroy them or even steal them away.

Link BGG