The Quest Kids

49,95 €

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Editora Treasure Falls Games

Idioma b_english.png

Dependência de idioma (0-4) 1. Reduzida

Nº Jogadores 2 3 4

Duração De 30 a 60 minutos

Autor Dustin McMillian

Idade Mínima 5

Temas Adventure, Children's Game, Exploration, Fantasy

Mecânicas Hand Management, Modular Board

Nº Cartas 60 | 42 | 59

Sleeves 57.5x89 | 70x70 | 52x52


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Your child's first dungeon crawler experience awaits!

The Quest Kids is a new-fantasy themed board game adventure for children 5 years old and up. In the game players control up to four of the Quest Kids (a brave team of young heroes) as they explore the magical Tolk's Cave. During their adventure the team will find treasure, scare away monsters, complete quests and discover magical items, all while helping their fellow Quest Kids out along the way. The Quest Kid with the most stars at the end of the adventure is victorious!

Featuring beautiful kid-friendly art, oversized player mats, chunky components and gigantic, articulating miniatures, The Quest Kids is the perfect introduction to fantasy gaming for the little dungeon crawler in every family.

—description from the designer

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