Path of Light and Shadow

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Editora Indie Boards & Cards

Idioma b_english.png

Dependência de idioma (0-4) 3. Elevada

Nº Jogadores 2 3 4

Duração Entre 1 a 2 horas

Autor Jonathan Gilmour, Nick Little I, Travis R. Chance

Idade Mínima 14

Temas Civilization, Fantasy, Medieval, Territory Building

Mecânicas Area Majority / Influence, Deck Bag and Pool Building, Dice Rolling, Hand Management, Tech Trees / Tech Tracks, Variable Player Powers

Nº Cartas 273 | 8

Sleeves 63.5x88 | 80x120


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The Realms lay divided, their former wonder lost and forgotten. The Tyrant Queen has seized the throne, forcing the rightful heirs deep into exile. You are the sons and daughters of the once-great houses: Foxway, Gorga, Mherzeen, and Spyre. Under the tutelage of advisors, you have gathered your followers, your conscripts. The time has come to take back what is yours.

Path of Light and Shadow is a massive empire-building experience, combining area control, deck management, and civilization customization. As players vie for control of The Realms, they must enlist and promote supporters, outfit their burgeoning empire with powerful technologies, align with powerful leaders, and lay siege to rival exiles after the throne. Above all else, each player must decide what type of leader they will become, cruel or merciful. But choose wisely, for each path has its rewards and perils.

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