Living Forest

39,95 €

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Este é o último exemplar deste artigo pelo que recomendamos que faças a compra online, mesmo que seja para recolher na nossa loja (Benfica).

Editora Meeple BR

Idioma a_portuguese.png

Dependência de idioma (0-4) 0. Nenhuma

Nº Jogadores 2 3 4

Duração De 30 a 60 minutos

Autor Aske Christiansen

Idade Mínima 8

Temas Ancient, Animals, Card Game, Fantasy, Territory Building

Mecânicas Deck Bag and Pool Building, Push Your Luck, Simultaneous Action Selection, Tile Placement

Nº Cartas 130

Sleeves 63.5x88


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In Living Forest, you play as a nature spirit who will try to save the forest and its sacred tree from the flames of Onibi.

But you are not alone in your mission as the animal guardians have come together to lend a hand around the Circle of Spirits where you progress. Each turn, they bring you valuable elements, so try to combine your team of animal guardians as best as possible to carry out your actions, but be careful because some are lonely and do not like to be mixed with others...

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