Trivial Pursuit: Harry Potter - Bitesize (EN)

21,99 €



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Editora Hasbro

Idioma b_english.png

Dependência de idioma (0-4) 4. Total

Nº Jogadores 2 3 4 5 6

Duração De 30 a 60 minutos

Idade Mínima 12

Temas Movies / TV / Radio theme, Novel-based, Trivia

Mecânicas Dice Rolling

Nº Cartas 600


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Trivial Pursuit: World of Harry Potter

This Trivial Pursuit bitesize edition contains 600 questions based on the Harry Potter films, some of which would challenge even the smartest of wizards! Test your trivia from the following topics: The Dark Arts, Hogwarts, Magical Spells & Potions, Magical Objects, Magical People and Animals & Magical Creatures. The handy game requires no board and can be carried around in its bite-size wedge case.

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