Clinic: Deluxe Edition

59,95 €



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Editora AV Studio Games

Idioma b_english.png

Dependência de idioma (0-4) 0. Nenhuma

Nº Jogadores 1 2 3 4

Duração Entre 1 a 2 horas

Autor Alban Viard

Idade Mínima 14

Temas City Building, Economic, Medical, Territory Building, Transportation

Mecânicas Pick-up and Deliver, Simulation, Tile Placement


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Your Town Center is flourishing, but as the city grows, the need for emergency medical care grows with it. Fortunately, you and your business partners have the wherewithal to build a clinic to help those in need of more than first aid. You quickly get a pre-admissions facility built to help process and route the different cases into the appropriate queues. Unfortunately, just before groundbreaking, your differing views of the ideal clinic cause a schism between you, and you go your separate ways, with patients already lining up in pre-admissions. Each of you decides to build the clinic of your dreams, trying to hire doctors, nurses, and maintenance staff, and build new modules, specialized services, and even parking, in order to meet the needs of the patients ailing in pre-admissions.

This is your Clinic! Build it however you like to give patients the care they need, so you can make your Clinic the most popular one in town!

Possible exhaustive list of differences between the Deluxe edition and previous edition:
- The rules have been totally rewritten
- The rules offer two sets up for beginners and experts
- The rules include a solo variant
- Many bonuses and penalties have been changed such as when a Patient dies in your hospital, the turn order has been updated and clarified
- The box includes a bag of wooden laser cut meeples for the cars, the doctors, the staff and the nurses

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