
11,95 €

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Este é o último exemplar deste artigo pelo que recomendamos que faças a compra online, mesmo que seja para recolher na nossa loja (Benfica).

Editora Nürnberger-Spielkarten-Verlag

Idioma g_german.png

Dependência de idioma (0-4) 0. Nenhuma

Nº Jogadores 2 3 4 5

Duração Até 30 minutos

Autor Florian Ortlepp, Helmut Ortlepp, Steffen Benndorf

Idade Mínima 8

Mecânicas Dice Rolling, Paper-and-Pencil


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Erect massive structures in Anubixx with absolutely no waiting time because anyone can roll the dice, after which everybody builds! If the dice don't fall as you want them to, the quarry can help you, but you will gain the favor of the Pharaoh and win the game only if you keep your eyes on the bigger picture and don't waste your precious stones.

—description from the publisher

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