Tokaido: Deluxe Edition

89,95 €

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Editora Funforge

Idioma b_english.png

Dependência de idioma (0-4) 0. Nenhuma

Nº Jogadores 2 3 4 5

Duração De 30 a 60 minutos

Autor Antoine Bauza

Idade Mínima 8

Temas Travel

Mecânicas Point to Point Movement, Set Collection, Time Track, Variable Player Powers

Nº Cartas 172

Sleeves 45x68


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TOKAIDO is a game for 2 to 5 players, with unique atmosphere and aesthetics, in which the players are pilgrims on a journey along the legendary East Sea Road of Japan. Along the way, you will try to collect the most beautiful souvenirs, discover glorious vistas, enjoy enriching encounters, soak in soothing hot springs, sample sumptuous cuisine, and much more!

The Deluxe Edition is the post-Kickstarter public release of parts of the Tokaido Collector's Edition. It includes the first expansion Tokaido: Crossroads. It does not have all the character tiles and miniatures available in the Collectors Edition, nor are the character miniatures painted. The Tokaido: Matsuri expansion is also not included in this edition.

This version does include:
- the bigger box of the Collectors Edition
- the giant board of the Collectors Edition
- all cards for Tokaido
- all cards for Crossroads expansion
- 16 character tiles (Tokaido + Crossroads)
- 16 unpainted Traveler miniatures (Tokaido + Crossroads)
- 50 metal coins
- 5 colored Furoshiki markers
- 5 color bases for Traveler miniatures
- soundtrack CD with 22 songs
- 1 wooden die (Crossroads)
- Tokaido + Crossroads rulebooks

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