This insert is designed to be compatible with the new smaller standard of Living Card Games with boxes sized 25.4 x 25.4 x 5.1 cm, such as Arkham Horror: The Card Game, A Game of Thrones: The Card Game (2nd Edition), Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game, Android: Netrunner The Card Game The Revised Core Set, and others, as well as with Blood Bowl Team Manager.
The insert is designed to fit snugly inside the box, and is 2.5 cm higher than the box base to allow for maximum storage of cards. There is space for all cards to be sleeved with quality sleeves. Here you can see the box loaded with roughly half its total capacity of cards.
There are five card sized slots on each side, two of which are larger to accommodate the token tray below. Then down the middle are two card sized slots for additional cards, one of which is slightly longer to allow space for the folded rules sheets from the small expansions. With maximum card storage, i.e. the token trays removed, the insert can store 900 sleeved cards maximum, when no token trays are used.
The insert comes with eight token trays, four wide and four narrow. They can be combined in different ways for different games to either maximise card storage or token types, or a balance between the two extremes. They are removable and usable during game play to keep the table tidy and speed up setup and clear-away times.
With the rules on top of the insert and the lid placed on top the lid rises 2.5 cm higher than the base. This still allows plenty of friction and hold to maintain its position, and the game can be safely stored vertically.
This insert can be assembled in a number of different ways, depending upon the game you will use it for and the ratio of cards to tokens you need to store.
Blood on the Altar é o terceiro pacote Mythos no ciclo Legacy Dunwich para Arkham Horror: The Card Game. As sessenta cartas (incluindo um conjunto completo de cada novo cartão de jogador), desafiam-te a mergulhar nos segredos de Dunwich, onde tu suspeitas que uma série de desaparecimentos recentes podem estar relacionados aos eventos em Arkham. Mas...
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H.P. Lovecraft, The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath
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These natural rubber box bands are great for keeping the lids on your games as you travel. You can safely throw your games in a bag without worrying about the contents spilling all over. If your game box is starting to fall apart, or if it is so stuffed with supplements that things start to slip out, this is for you.</br></br>
These SMALL (4")...
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- H. P. Lovecraft, "Do Além".
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