Cyclades - Folded Space Insert

21,95 €

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Insert designed for game with external box dimensions of 39.5 x 27.6 x 8 cm.

Insert compatible with Cyclades, and the Titans, Monuments, Hades, Hecate and Ancient Ruins expansions. The design provides both efficient storage and improved game play. The trays can be utilised during the game, and they greatly aid set-up and clear-away times. There are six trays for the player pieces, one per faction colour. There is space in each to store the titan figurines from the Titans expansion. The trays are split to store offering, ship and territory tokens separately from the other figurines. There are two trays for the monument miniatures and one for the undead figurines and dice. The last tray is a spare tray which can be used to store the faction coloured dice if you have them. The last trays are for the large cards and the gold pieces. The card trays are large enough to store sleeved cards, and there are two separate gold trays so that they can be placed on either side of the board during game play. The boards and rules go on top of the trays acting as a lid, allowing the game to be stored vertically. This game has a lot of boards and larger tile components, and it is important to stack them correctly to allow the box lid to close flush with the box base.

First go the two main game folding boards, which go back to back with the smaller folded pieces being placed together. This is followed by the large Titans board. Next goes the folded god tile board extension from the original game, with the alternative god tile board on top as shown. The player screens and rules go last. If you have the cloth bags upgrade these can also be added to one side of the rules.

This product consists of a flat-pack of 6 Evacore sheets. The trays require assembly, which is quick and fun, using ordinary PVA glue. Detailed instructions are included in the package.