War of the Ring: The Fate of Erebor

11,99 €

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Editorial Ares Games

Idioma b_english.png

Dependencia del idioma (0-4) ?

Núm. jugadores 2 3 4

Tiempo de juego Entre 2 a 3 horas

Autor Francesco Nepitello, Marco Maggi, Roberto Di Meglio

Edad mínima 12

Temas Expansion for Base-game

Núm. Cartas 8

Fundas 68x120



The Fate of Erebor is a promotional item included with copies of "The Battle of Five Armies" Collector's Edition and given out with first print copies of the revised edition of "The Battle of Five Armies" board game.

It is an alternate setup of "War of the Ring" with which you can play when the Shadow player wins "The Battle of Five Armies" board game. Contains alternate map tiles, character cards, and event cards for the "War of the Ring" base game.

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