Roll Player: Monsters & Minions

57,95 €

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Editorial Thunderworks Games

Idioma b_english.png

Dependencia del idioma (0-4) 3. Alto

Núm. jugadores 1 2 3 4 5

Tiempo de juego Entre 1 a 2 horas

Autor Keith Matejka

Edad mínima 10

Temas Dice, Expansion for Base-game, Fantasy

Mecánicas Dice Rolling, Set Collection

Núm. Cartas 82 | 71 | 17

Fundas 63.5x88 | 45x68 | 70x120



É uma expansão, para a jogares necessitas do jogo base Roll Player

A call to arms! An abomination of a beast is terrorizing villages throughout the kingdom, leaving behind a path of death and destruction. The lord has summoned all able-bodied adventurers to return to the capitol and organize a plan to rid the kingdom of this menace.

In Roll Player: Monsters & Minions, not only do players compete to construct the greatest fantasy characters, they must also gather information about the monstrous threat looming, and prepare for a final showdown against the beast. The more prepared the adventurers are for the battle, the better they'll do, but that information doesn't come for free. Listen for rumors to gather details for the fight ahead. Where is its lair? What obstacles will there be along the way? What will its next strike be?

Players earn Reputation Stars by constructing the perfect character, as well as driving back the evil of the monster and its minions. The player with the greatest Reputation wins the game and becomes the heir to the kingdom!

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