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Hostage Negotiator: Abductor Pack 10

Inc0gn1t0 is a threat unlike any you've faced. Their identity and location are unknown, as are their demands. What is know is that they've hacked into networks across the city and we've found traces of a bomb that has some sort of remote access code. Can you stop them in time?<br/><br/>In this new expansion pack for Hostage Negotiator, you must deal...
10,50 €


Hostage Negotiator:...

Hostage Negotiator: Abductor Pack 2

Precio 10,50 €

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En stock

Hostage Negotiator: Abductor Pack 2

This Abductor pack is a 15 card Expansion to the Hostage Negotiator base game.<br/><br/>In Abductor Pack 2, you will face off with not one, but TWO Abductors! The Pedersen Twins are trapped in a Port Authority office after a rival tipped off the Feds to one of their smuggling operations. But they have Hostages and don't plan to go...
10,50 €

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Hostage Negotiator:...

Hostage Negotiator: Abductor Pack 3

Precio 10,99 €

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Hostage Negotiator: Abductor Pack 3

This time it's different. A member of your own police force has taken hostages. He claims he's being framed for the recent murder of the Chief and youre the only one who believes him. Some of the hostages are starting to sympathize with him, making your job more difficult. Everything is riding on your shoulders.<br/><br/>In this exciting new abductor...
10,99 €

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Hostage Negotiator:...

Hostage Negotiator: Abductor Pack 4

Precio 10,50 €

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Hostage Negotiator: Abductor Pack 4

The abductor has hijacked a bus full of people and is making a run for the border. You'll be forced to employ tactics you've never used before and deal with the challenges of negotiating in different locations. Are you up to the challenge? Innocent lives are depending on you.<br/><br/>In this exciting new Abductor Pack you will have to deal with a new...
10,50 €

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Hostage Negotiator:...

Hostage Negotiator: Abductor Pack 5

Precio 10,50 €

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Hostage Negotiator: Abductor Pack 5

A cult has turned to violence to push its agenda and to garner more attention. Many in the cult are as much victims as they are culprits. How will you handle the situation when the Abductors are also the Hostages? Find out in this thrilling pack.<br/><br/>This Abductor pack is a 16 card expansion compatible with both Hostage Negotiator and Hostage...
10,50 €

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Hostage Negotiator:...

Hostage Negotiator: Abductor Pack 6

Precio 10,50 €

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Hostage Negotiator: Abductor Pack 6

Clyde Seaver's life is in shambles. His wife left him and in fear of losing his 2 children he's kidnapped them with the help of his loyal sister, Tina. She has the kids hidden in Becker Swamp and you have to negotiate with the suicidal Clyde and buy your team time to find the kids.<br/><br/>This Abductor pack is a 15 card expansion compatible with both...
10,50 €

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Hostage Negotiator:...

Hostage Negotiator: Abductor Pack 7

Precio 10,99 €

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Hostage Negotiator: Abductor Pack 7

Valerie Stone was another negotiator who was constantly competing with you, but never garnered the accolades or had the level of success that you did. Ultimately it became too much for her and she's decided the only way to prove she is better than you is to force you to negotiate with her... and she knows just how to accomplish that.<br/><br/>This...
10,99 €

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Hostage Negotiator:...

Hostage Negotiator: Abductor Pack 8

Precio 10,99 €

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Hostage Negotiator: Abductor Pack 8

Hostage Negotiator: Abductor Pack 8 is a 16-card expansion compatible with both Hostage Negotiator and Hostage Negotiator: Crime Wave.<br/><br/>Samuel Xavier, an angry individual on his best days, was involuntarily forced into a rehabilitation clinic for substance abuse. Now that he's going through withdrawal pains in the form of excruciating migraines...
10,99 €

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Hostage Negotiator:...

Hostage Negotiator: Abductor Pack 9

Precio 10,50 €

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Hostage Negotiator: Abductor Pack 9

Misha Koskiken is the poster child for sensationalism gone wrong in the best of times, but today things spiraled out of control. Her opponents snuck into an event and threatened her, so she incited her loyal devotees to violence. Now you have to interject between these two groups before things spiral further out of control.<br/><br/>In this thrilling...
10,50 €

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Hostage Negotiator:...

Hostage Negotiator: Alternate Finale Pack 2

Precio 11,90 €

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Hostage Negotiator: Alternate Finale Pack 2

The second Alternate Finale Pack, providing a completely different ending to your Career experience!<br/><br/>&mdash;description from the publisher<br/><br/>14 additional cards for Hostage Negotiator: Career<br/><br/></br><p><p><p><b><a href="https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/291525" target="_blank" class="btn btn-default">Link BGG</a></b></p></p></p>
11,90 €

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Hostage Negotiator: Career

Hostage Negotiator: Career

Precio 30,99 €

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Hostage Negotiator: Career

Hostage Negotiator: Career is an expansion for the Hostage Negotiator system that requires the Hostage Negotiator base game, Hostage Negotiator: Crime Wave, and multiple Abductor Packs to play.<br/><br/>In this culmination of the Hostage Negotiator series, you will play ten years in the life of a negotiator &mdash; that is, if you don't retire in shame...
30,99 €

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Hostage Negotiator: Career - Negotiator Promo Cards (Chief / Hater)

The Hater and The Chief Negotiator Cards.<br/><br/>The Hater<br/>A cynical veteran of the force that has seen one too many hostage situations.<br/><br/>The Chief<br/>The Chief is an important character who will appear throughout your Career campaign. Now you can take on a hostage situation with her in the driver&rsquo;s seat.<br/><br/>Decide before the...
4,95 €

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Hostage Negotiator: Crime Wave

Hostage Negotiator: Crime Wave

Precio 39,99 €

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Hostage Negotiator: Crime Wave

Description from the publisher:<br/><br/>In Hostage Negotiator: Crime Wave &mdash; a standalone expansion to the solitaire game Hostage Negotiator &mdash; each turn represents a conversation between you and a hostage taker. You play cards and roll dice to increase conversation points, decrease the threat level, and release hostages.<br/><br/>Hostage...
39,99 €

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Hostage Negotiator: Crime...

Hostage Negotiator: Crime Wave [*OUTLET*]

Precio base 39,99 € -5% Precio


37,99 €

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Hostage Negotiator: Crime Wave [*OUTLET*]

Description from the publisher:<br/><br/>In Hostage Negotiator: Crime Wave &mdash; a standalone expansion to the solitaire game Hostage Negotiator &mdash; each turn represents a conversation between you and a hostage taker. You play cards and roll dice to increase conversation points, decrease the threat level, and release hostages.<br/><br/>Hostage...
39,99 € 5% de descuento
37,99 €

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Hostage Negotiator: Demand...

Hostage Negotiator: Demand Pack 1

Precio 10,99 €

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Hostage Negotiator: Demand Pack 1

Demand Pack #1 is an expansion pack that comes with 16 new cards that will add new major demands for the original abductors (Arkayne, Donna, and Edward) as well as the abductors from Abductor Packs 1-4 (Connor, the Pedersen Twins, Lt. Jackson, and Herrera). These cards will breathe new life into abductors you've faced off against before.<br/><br/>Demand...
10,99 €

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Hostage Negotiator: Demand...

Hostage Negotiator: Demand Pack 2

Precio 10,50 €

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Hostage Negotiator: Demand Pack 2

An entire pack of 16 all-new cards to use with the abductors featured in Crime Wave (Barrett, Lijah, and Renesha), as well as abductors in Abductor Packs #5-8 (Cult of Automa, the Seavers, Valerie Stone, and Sammy X)! Just like Demand Pack #1, this will bring a whole new challenge to abductors you've faced in the past!<br/><br/>&mdash;description from...
10,50 €

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Hostage Negotiator: Negotiator Promo Cards - Series 2

This promotional pack includes 10 Negotiator Cards and 1 special Abductor card to be used with the solitaire board game Hostage Negotiator.<br/><br/>Decide before the game begins if you would like to use a Negotiator card. You may select one of your choice or shuffle and take one at random.<br/>Each Negotiator card has a special ability that can only be...
8,95 €

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Hostage Negotiator: The Defender and Ana Langston Promo Cards

Negotiator Cards each add a power that can be used once per game. The Defender allows re-rolling any Threat Roll that results in one of more killed Hostages. This card was offered in the Salvation Road kickstarter.<br/>This card was also included in all copies of the Veteran pledge level of the Hostage Negotiator: Crime Wave Kickstarter...
4,95 €

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Hostage Negotiator: The Mediator and The Mouth Dice Tower Promo Cards

This is a special set of promo cards originally offered to backers of the Dice Tower Kickstarter campaign.<br/>Later available as part of the 2023 Game Boy Geek Season 11 Kickstarter.<br/><br/>&mdash;description from the publisher<br/><br/></br><p><p><p><b><a href="https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/290352" target="_blank" class="btn btn-default">Link...
4,95 €

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Hunt for the Ring

Hunt for the Ring

Precio 53,95 €

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Hunt for the Ring

Em The Hunt for the Ring, um jogador assume o papel de Frodo e seus companheiros, que viajam de Shire para Rivendell, enquanto outros quatro jogadores representam os Nazgûl que tentam caçar os hobbits. Enquanto viajam, Frodo e os outros têm de resistir à corrupção do Anel que ele usa. The Hunt for the Ring é um jogo de movimentos escondidos jogado...
53,95 €

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Precio 14,95 €

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Para pedir


Imagidice é um jogo de dados onde os jogadores são convidados a contar histórias e a estimular a sua imaginação. Doze dados com imagens são lançados. A partir desse momento a magia vai acontecer. Os jogadores vão olhar para as imagens e elaborar uma narrativa que consiga atravessar todos os motivos disponíveis que vão desde emoções a hobbies, passando...
14,95 €

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Imperial Settlers: Roll &...

Imperial Settlers: Roll & Write

Precio 25,99 €

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Imperial Settlers: Roll & Write

Imperial Settlers: Roll &amp; Write is a standalone game set in the universe of Imperial Settlers and Imperial Settlers: Empires of the North. The game is heavily focused on engine building! Constructing buildings grants you a special bonus, and with each passing turn the game offers you more choices as your empire gains momentum.<br/><br/>Imperial...
25,99 €

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Iniciais (by Party & Co)

Iniciais (by Party & Co)

Precio 15,95 €

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Iniciais (by Party & Co)

O jogo Iniciais (by Party & Co) da Diset proporciona uma divertida corrida pela abecedário.</br> Dividem-se os jogadores em duas equipas.</br> PARTIDA... Lançamos os dados, movemos o peão, rodamos a ampulheta correspondente e estamos prestes a começar.</br> LARGADA... Os adversários pegam numa carta e lêem uma prova em voz alta: "Palavras que...
15,95 €

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Inspector Nose (Inspektor...

Inspector Nose (Inspektor Nase)

Precio 17,99 €

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Inspector Nose (Inspektor Nase)

In the co-operative deduction game Inspektor Nase, players take turns in the role of &quot;Inspector Nose&quot; to try to lead everyone else to identify the correct card.<br/><br/>The game plays over five rounds, and you start each round by laying out five image cards from the deck. If you are Inspector Nose, shuffle the number cards (1-5) and look at...
17,99 €

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Invasores de Cítia (Raiders...

Invasores de Cítia (Raiders of Scythia PT)

Precio 54,95 €

alarm_on Restock


Invasores de Cítia (Raiders of Scythia PT)

Many centuries ago, the Greek, Persian and Assyrian empires controlled vast amounts of land and riches. Yet, despite their fortifications and imposing armies, rumours began spreading of a formidable foe in the lands above the Black Sea. They came on horseback. Fierce warriors, both male and female. Skilled with the sword, axe and bow. But they...
54,95 €

alarm_on Restock

Isla Calavera (Ilha Caveira...

Isla Calavera (Ilha Caveira / Piraten Kapern)

Precio 13,50 €

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Isla Calavera (Ilha Caveira / Piraten Kapern)

Piraten Kapern (&quot;Pirate Capers&quot;) is the German version of the 2011 game Otsarot o Tsarot, published by Shafir Games in Hebrew and English. It's part of a line of combined dice-and-card games that publisher AMIGO Spiel introduced in 2012.<br/><br/>As you might expect with a game titled Piraten Kapern, players must set off in search of treasure,...
13,50 €

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ISS Vanguard

ISS Vanguard

Precio 179,95 €


ISS Vanguard

ISS Vanguard is a 1-4 player co-operative, campaign Board Game. It will bring players right into epic Sci-Fi adventure, as they will play as 4 sections (security, recon, science, engineering) onboard the first human ship with the possibility to reach outer space. Campaign will introduce the unique story written by Krzysztof Piskorski (Tainted Grail)...
179,95 €




Precio 39,95 €

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Em Istanbul você lidera um grupo de um comerciante e quatro assistentes através de dezasseis locais no bazar. Em cada local, você pode realizar uma ação específica. O desafio, porém, é que para fazer uma ação, você deve mover o comerciante e um assistente lá, em seguida, deixar o assistente para trás (para lidar com todos os detalhes, enquanto você se...
39,95 €

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Istanbul: Big Box

Istanbul: Big Box

Precio 49,95 €

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Istanbul: Big Box

<p>Istanbul: Big Box is the all-in-one package for Istanbul, including the base game as well as both expansions, Mocha & Baksheesh and Letters & Seals.<br /><br />This combination also gives players the option to play on a big 5 x 5 tiles bazaar.<br /><br /></p> <p><b><a href="https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/251219" target="_blank" class="btn...
49,95 €

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Istanbul: O Jogo de Dados...

Istanbul: O Jogo de Dados (Dice Game)

Precio 21,90 €

alarm_on Restock


Istanbul: O Jogo de Dados (Dice Game)

Istanbul: Dice Game é um jogo de dados em que os jogadores estão, mais uma vez, a mergulhar na azáfama do mercado de Istanbul para colecionar rubis e assim garantir a sua vitória. Ao utilizar os dados, os jogadores podem ganhar dinheiro e bens e depois trocá-los pelas preciosas jóias.</br><p><p><p><b><a href="https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/235488"...
21,90 €

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Jamaica (2nd edition)

Jamaica (2nd edition)

Precio 45,95 €

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Jamaica (2nd edition)

Em fevereiro de 1678, depois de uma longa vida de pirataria, Henry Morgan habilmente consegue nomear a si mesmo Governador da Jamaica, encarregado de afastar os piratas daquela zona! Mas ao invés disso ele convidou todos os seus velhos amigos e irmãos-de-armas para instalarem-se no local, onde poderiam finalmente desfrutar de as suas actividades em...
45,95 €

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Jamaica: The Crew

Jamaica: The Crew

Precio 21,99 €

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Jamaica: The Crew

Jamaica: The Crew é constituido por um conjunto de vinte personagens, cada um com um poder especial, que adiciona algum sabor ao jogo sem grandes mudanças nas regras. As personagens podem ser contratadas quando pagares a taxa de um porto e eles são "carregados" como qualquer outro recurso, seguindo as mesmas regras. Podes achar atrativo adicionar...
21,99 €

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John Company: Second Edition

John Company: Second Edition

Precio 114,95 €

alarm_on Restock


John Company: Second Edition

In John Company, players assume the roles of ambitious families attempting to use the British East India Company for personal gain. The game begins in the early eighteenth-century, when the Company has a weak foothold on the subcontinent. Over the course of the game, the Company might grow into the most powerful and insidious corporation in the world or...
114,95 €

alarm_on Restock



Precio 35,95 €

alarm_on Restock



<p>What lies beneath the crumbling walls of Karak castle? A labyrinth full of treasures...and monsters! Six brave adventurers are going in there for a fortune waiting to be claimed, each one of them with a different trick up their sleeve — but the treasure chests are locked and monsters are everywhere. Who will outsmart their opponents, beat the...
35,95 €

alarm_on Restock

Karak II

Karak II

Precio 47,95 €

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Karak II

Karak 2 is a standalone sequel to one the Top 10 Children&rsquo;s Games on BGG Karak. The second installment adds a more complex layer while staying approachable for kids. Each player becomes a hero, trying to defeat monsters and their leader, the Dark General. However, to achieve that, they will have to collect resources, build and develop their cities...
47,95 €

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Precio 31,99 €

alarm_on Restock



In the freezing frost of the Arctic, the Inuit &mdash; or polar bears, depending on which edition of the game you own &mdash; dedicate themselves to their favorite occupation: ice fishing. Of course each of them wants to make the biggest catch, but they're discovering that this isn't so easy. Only the one who moves across the ice floes with foresight,...
31,99 €

alarm_on Restock



Precio 31,50 €



June 2471, and kerosene - KERO - is scarce. Two clans are struggling to survive, exploring New Territories in their tanker trucks. Running out of fuel is a risk each time they leave camp! Fortunately, a local tribe of Tuareks can lend a helping hand&hellip;<br/><br/>Kero is a two-player game set in a future unfriendly world, where players will be clan...
31,50 €


Khôra: Rise of an Empire

Khôra: Rise of an Empire

Precio base 55,95 € -20% Precio


44,76 €

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Khôra: Rise of an Empire

In Kh&ocirc;ra: Rise of an Empire, each player is the head of a blossoming city-state in Ancient Greece.<br/><br/>On your turn, you must take 2 of the following 7 Actions: Philosophy, Legislation, Culture, Trade, Military, Politics, or Development. Choose Actions that align with your strategy, but which also work with your dice roll.<br/><br/>You will...
55,95 € 20% de descuento
44,76 €

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King of Monster Island

King of Monster Island

Precio 55,99 €

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King of Monster Island

A new King of Game rises: King of Monster Island<br/><br/>We have detected irregular movement on the Monster Island. The volcano is erupting like never before. Monsters from all around the world are gathering on the Island, what is happening? They don&rsquo;t even fight each other anymore!<br/>Because is a greater menace is lurking. Something big enough...
55,99 €

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King of New York

King of New York

Precio 40,95 €

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King of New York

Há sempre alguma coisa a acontecer na cidade que nunca dorme. Talvez sejam as luzes, talvez seja a energia, ou talvez sejam os monstros gigantes que tentam demolir o lugar. King of New York é um jogo autónomo do designer Richard Garfield, que mantém as ideias centrais de King of Tokyo, enquanto introduz novas formas de jogar. Como em King of Tokyo, o...
40,95 €

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King of New York [*OUTLET*]

King of New York [*OUTLET*]

Precio base 40,95 € -5% Precio


38,90 €

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King of New York [*OUTLET*]

Há sempre alguma coisa a acontecer na cidade que nunca dorme. Talvez sejam as luzes, talvez seja a energia, ou talvez sejam os monstros gigantes que tentam demolir o lugar. King of New York é um jogo autónomo do designer Richard Garfield, que mantém as ideias centrais de King of Tokyo, enquanto introduz novas formas de jogar. Como em King of Tokyo, o...
40,95 € 5% de descuento
38,90 €

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King of Tokyo (EN)

King of Tokyo (EN)

Precio 34,95 €

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King of Tokyo (EN)

Monstros mutantes, robôs gigantes e outras criaturas monstruosas a arrasar tudo no seu caminho. King of Tokyo é um jogo de dados que definirá de uma vez por todas quem é o rei de Tóquio. Use as suas combinações de dados para curar o seu monstro, acumular energia, ou simplesmente rebentar os outros monstros. Gaste energia para ativar habilidades...
34,95 €

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King of Tokyo / New York:...

King of Tokyo / New York: Monster Pack - Anubis

Precio 10,95 €

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King of Tokyo / New York: Monster Pack - Anubis

He is coming for you! While rampaging through a history museum, you accidentally stepped on a sarcophagus, causing Anubis to appear, intent upon avenging the profaned mummy. Can you escape the wrath of the God of the Dead as he showers curses on the town?<br/><br/>The Anubis Monster Pack is compatible with the King of Tokyo and King of New York base...
10,95 €

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King of Tokyo / New York:...

King of Tokyo / New York: Monster Pack - Cybertooth

Precio 10,95 €

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King of Tokyo / New York: Monster Pack - Cybertooth

Cybertooth &mdash; a giant two-legged robot that can transform into a fearsome sabertoothed tiger &mdash; is about to hit the town! Infused with the power of the ancient berserkers, Cybertooth will settle for nothing less than the tiger's share! Will you, too, succumb to the berserker fury?<br/><br/>The Cybertooth Monster Pack introduces a new game...
10,95 €

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King of Tokyo: Dark Edition

King of Tokyo: Dark Edition

Precio 59,99 €


King of Tokyo: Dark Edition

<p>King of Tokyo: Dark Edition is a collector's edition of King of Tokyo, with the fight taking place in an alternative and darker world in which the struggle for control of Tokyo has never been so fierce...and wicked!<br /><br />This edition includes deluxe components (such as an embossed box and lightning-bolt-shaped energy) and all-new art by Paul...
59,99 €


King of Tokyo: Even More...

King of Tokyo: Even More Wicked!

Precio 9,99 €

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King of Tokyo: Even More Wicked!

Introduced in the Dark collector's edition of King of Tokyo, now you can add the Wickedness Gauge to ALL your King of Tokyo games!<br/><br/>This expansion includes the Wickedness board, 10 Wickedness tiles and all 15 counters representing every monster in the King of Tokyo base game and expansions.<br/><br/>In addition to Victory Points, 1's and 2's...
9,99 €

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King of Tokyo: Halloween...

King of Tokyo: Halloween (second edition)

Precio 17,99 €

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King of Tokyo: Halloween (second edition)

King of Tokyo: Halloween, inclui dois novos monstros para usar com o jogo base: Pumpkin Jack e Boogey Woogey. Além do mais, cada monstro vem com o seu próprio conjunto de oito cartas de Evolução - introduzido pela primeira vez em King of Tokyo: Power Up para que cada monstro possa se transformar numa versão ainda mais aterrorizante de si mesmo. King of...
17,99 €

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King of Tokyo: Monster Box

King of Tokyo: Monster Box

Precio 49,99 €

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King of Tokyo: Monster Box

The whole King of Tokyo shebang in one Monster Box.<br/>The fight for dominating the city of Tokyo has never been so competitive! This explosive Monster Box is filled with fun and adrenaline! Get King of Tokyo and all of its indispensable Power Up! and Halloween expansions for hours and hours of smashes. Use your Monster's Evolution Cards to get even...
49,99 €

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King of Tokyo: Power Up!...

King of Tokyo: Power Up! (second edition)

Precio 17,95 €

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King of Tokyo: Power Up! (second edition)

Power Up! é uma expansão para o jogo King of Tokyo. Nesta expansão, depois de escolher um monstro, cada jogador pega as oito cartas de Evolução associadas àquele monstro, baralha as cartas, e cria um baralho pessoal. No final do turno de um jogador, se o monstro possuir três corações, o jogador compra uma carta de Evolução. Um jogador pode revelar e...
17,95 €

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King of Tokyo: Super Jump...

King of Tokyo: Super Jump Goodie Card

Precio 4,99 €

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En stock

King of Tokyo: Super Jump Goodie Card

Promo Card for King of Tokyo created to advertise the King of Tokyo: Dark Edition. Distribution of this item was disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic and is pending as of October 2020.<br/><br/><br/>Shuffle the card with the rest of the deck.<br/><br/>Card cost &quot;4&quot;<br/><br/>KEEP<br/><br/>&quot;On each player's turn, you may spend 1 energy to...
4,99 €

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