Halo: Flashpoint - Spartan Edition

124,95 €

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Editora Mantic

Idioma b_english.png

Dependência de idioma (0-4) ?

Nº Jogadores 2

Duração De 30 a 60 minutos

Idade Mínima 14

Temas Miniatures, Science Fiction, Video Game Theme

Mecânicas Dice Rolling, Grid Movement, Line of Sight, Moving Multiple Units, Square Grid


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The RECON Edition is the base game with 8 Spartan miniatures, and the SPARTAN Edition comes with 16 Spartan miniatures and 4 Banished Elite miniatures and also includes the following extras: a Deluxe 2-sided play board, 10 extra Weapon cards, 12 extra Player/model cards, 1 extra Reference card, 2 extra Command dice, Extra terrain and tokens, Plastic 3D arena accessories.

Halo: Flashpoint is the tactical miniatures game for two players. Begin your journey in the War Games combat arena as a Spartan fireteam commander, bringing a range of classic Halo weapons and game modes to life on your tabletop. Discover an exciting game that's easy to learn, challenging to master, and rewards cool thinking under fire!

Will you lead a fireteam of Spartans to victory in the arena, or bring the alien might of Banished Elites to bear against your human opponents?

Choose a side and prepare for the ultimate tactical tabletop experience.

—description from the publisher

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