Last One Alive


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Publisher Ares Games

Language b_english.png

Language dependence (0-4) ?

Player Count 2 3 4 5

Playing Time 0 to 30 minutes

Designer Ole Steiness

Minimum age 13

Categories Dice, Zombies

Mechanics Dice Rolling, Die Icon Resolution, Push Your Luck, Take That

Number of cards 10


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The zombie apocalypse has begun, will you be able to survive? Last One Alive is a fast and fun dice game for 2-5 players. Arm and barricade yourself, use that chainsaw, perform heroic feats... But most of all, try to get the zombies to kill the others before they kill you! Everything is allowed in order to be... the last one alive!

Designed by Ole Steiness (Champions of Midgard, Police Precinct), and illustrated by Laura Neri and Francesco Mattioli, Last One Alive uses multiple different custom dice. Each turn, you will select which dice to roll: will you go scavenging, set up barricades, or shoot zombies? But the walking dead are all around, and most of the dice you roll can get you into an ambush. On top of that, as the zombie apocalypse escalates, more and more zombie dice will come into the game, and you must make sure they attack somebody else before they get you! Your only hope is to survive as long as you can. No worry about player elimination - Last One Alive is so fast that you will be soon playing again, even if you die!

—description from the publisher

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