The Wine Crate is an organizer box for Viticulture, designed from the inside out to hold all Viticulture components (core game and expansions, even out-of-print modules) in an assortment of 5 custom plastic inserts and accompanying lids. It fits sleeved cards (recommend 60-micron thickness), and it is designed to facilitate quick setup via the player-token trays.
This Wine Crate organizer box does NOT include the Viticulture core game or any expansions or gameplay content. It's big, but it's still portable, and it fits nicely onto a Kallax shelf.
Em Viticulture, os jogadores assumem os papéis de pessoas da rústica Toscana, que herdaram vinhas escassas. Eles têm algumas parcelas de terra, uma pequena adega, e três trabalhadores. Cada um tem um sonho de ser o primeiro a fazer sucesso com sua adega. Os jogadores determinam como eles querem alocar os seus trabalhadores ao longo do ano. Cada...
Tuscany Essential Edition apresenta 3 expansões para o jogo Viticulture: o tabuleiro expandido (com 36 estrelas de madeira), as cartas e tabuleiros de estruturas, e os trabalhadores especiais (14 meeples em vez dos 66 no Tuscany original, mas a forma de jogar permanece a mesma). Todas as outras expansões do Tuscany original irão ser descontinuadas.
A expansão Viticulture Moor Visitors, feita pelo famoso Uwe Rosenberg (Agricola, Caverna, Patchwork) e os designers do Viticulture: Jamey Stegmaier e Alan Stone, adiciona 40 novos visitantes para qualquer versão de Viticulture. Ela também inclui o reprint das versões corrigidas das cartas de Promoter e Harvest Machine.</br><p><p><p><b><a...
Este conjunto de moedas metálicas, destinadas para uso com o jogo Viticulture, é composto por 72 moedas em três tamanhos e cores:
36× ?1 (22mm, avermelhadas)
24× ?2 (26mm, acinzentadas)
12× ?5 (32mm, amareladas)</br><p><p><p><b><a href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn-default">Link...
You have new visitors! Visit from the Rhine Valley, an expansion for Viticulture, provides you with a new set of eighty visitor cards, which focus less on victory points and more on the wine business itself. These cards have their own unique backs as they must be played without other visitor cards from Viticulture, Tuscany, and Moor...
Cooperate with members of your extended winemaking family in various asymmetric regions around the world in Viticulture World: Cooperative Expansion as you try to achieve global recognition. Balance the management of your individual vineyard with the combined effort of your fellow players to gain influence within the region.<br/><br/>Using the...
A expansão Viticulture Moor Visitors, feita pelo famoso Uwe Rosenberg (Agricola, Caverna, Patchwork) e os designers do Viticulture: Jamey Stegmaier e Alan Stone, adiciona 40 novos visitantes para qualquer versão de Viticulture. Ela também inclui o reprint das versões corrigidas das cartas de Promoter e Harvest Machine.</br><p><p><p><b><a...
We’re in 19th century, sea transport is more and more important. Both corporations and naval forces require newer and newer ships. Try to put yourself in the role of their manufacturers. Hire employees, buy accessories, get favour of evaluating committees. Don’t forget to rent a canal and you can heave anchor.<br/><br/>Players take turns,...
Este conjunto de moedas metálicas, destinadas para uso com o jogo Viticulture, é composto por 72 moedas em três tamanhos e cores:
36× ?1 (22mm, avermelhadas)
24× ?2 (26mm, acinzentadas)
12× ?5 (32mm, amareladas)</br><p><p><p><b><a href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn-default">Link...
Cooperate with members of your extended winemaking family in various asymmetric regions around the world in Viticulture World: Cooperative Expansion as you try to achieve global recognition. Balance the management of your individual vineyard with the combined effort of your fellow players to gain influence within the region.<br/><br/>Using the...