Beasty Bar (Bar Bestial)


alarm_on Restock


While we wait for the arrival of more units of this item, you can now buy and guarantee one of those units. The estimated time of arrival at our warehouse can range from 1 week to 2 months.

An order that contains at least one "Restock" item will only be sent when it is complete, because only one shipment is included.

To receive now other items that we have in stock, we recommend placing a separate order.

Publisher Zoch Verlag

Language b_english.png e_french.png f_italian.png g_german.png

Language dependence (0-4) 0. No necessary in-game text

Player Count 2 3 4

Playing Time 0 to 30 minutes

Designer Stefan Kloß

Minimum age 8

Categories Animals, Card Game, Humor

Mechanics Action Queue, Hand Management, Take That

Number of cards 56

Sleeves 80x120


We will send you an email as soon as the article is available.


Dos pequenos aos grandes animais, todos lutam por um lugar na fila de entrada da festa. Vale tudo: empurrões, dentadas, usar as garras e mesmo odores muito particulares. E até pode acontecer que a entrada e a saída sejam trocadas antes que alguém consiga reagir. Um jogo de cartas para os mais duros, não só para o rei da festa.

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